Chapter 5

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“C´mon Blade, you´re cheating!  You can’t distract enemies with kisses. That’s just not right. Damn it.” I throw my knife on the floor.

“C´mon Alina, it just practices. Don’t be such a party proper. I know you like it my kisses because they are just so sweet and sexy.” He was really annoying me but getting to me too, but I’m not going let him know that right now.  Damn men!

We were in a combat room, to release the pinned up frustration and ease some of my nerves so that I could take of my mind off the meeting. But Blade was not helping; he was making me more pissed off than I already was. Every time when I had him in grip to surrender, he found a way to kiss me. Heck he even kissed my feet, when I had him in a death grip with them. Really who kisses feet’s in the middle of the combat? Well, obviously Blade does that’s who.

“Don´t call me that. I’m Kendra now!  I think you are just chicken; you just don’t want to lose to a girl. Do you? I had you several times, but no, you couldn´t surrender could you?” I grabbed a towel to wipe the sweat from my face.

“Well darling, you…” in a moment he was beside me and handing me my sunglasses as he whispered “Someone is coming.” I was so angry that I didn’t even hear someone approaching to training room.  Damn it I am losing my edge.  I never fail to focus on the surroundings because it could result in your death.  This is so not a good sign.  Reaching over I angrily grabbed the glasses from his hand and slid it on my face just as the door opened.

“I´m sorry to interrupt you, but you are needed in the Throne room, his highness Prince Alessandros is waiting for you.” The lackey gave us message and left the room quietly.

With that message I froze in place, I couldn´t think, I couldn´t breathe.  All I wanted to do was bolt out the door and keep running till I couldn’t anymore and then run some more.  It was happening right now I was going to see him again.  I never really thought I would ever come back here, he was here, right in this place, its going happen and I’m not ready.  Damn Alina, you have to be strong, we cannot give up now, and Master is depending on us we have to do this. Suddenly, all bad memories came back.  It hit me like a freight train.  I had to pull myself back together I have a mission to do.  He doesn’t deserve this power; he didn’t deserve anything, not even the emotions I have towards him.  I am a Warrior, I am one of the strongest and best we have.  I started to chant in my head. Brave Warrior; brave Warrior …good Warrior; bad Warrior …

“Are you alright?” Blade was gently stroking my cheek.

“Yes!  Damn, I think I need new sunglasses.  Don’t you think?” He didn´t say anything when I changed the subject he just held my face with his palm and smiled, “I will see what I can do.” Was his only reply, he didn´t want to pry in my feelings or questioned them, he knew me that much.  We then left to get ready to meet the prince he finally was home.

After a quick hot shower, I was fully dressed in my Warrior clothes just adjusting my guns and knives while thinking about the meeting, when someone knocked on the door.  In raced to the small table and grabbed the shades to cover my eyes and said, “Come in.” In stepped my Master.  He looked around the room and stood before the window as he looked out at the gardens when he spoke, “Alina, I brought you some more pills. Take one now.  Your scent needs to be masked well and here are the others for the next few days.” I took the pills and gulped one down with some water I had sitting out.

“Thank you Master.” Was all I could say, I was afraid if I spoke more would come out and I didn’t want to disappoint him again.  Today was bad enough so I looked away and slid my katana into its sheath placed on my back.

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