Chapter 9

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Hey guys,

thanx to everyone for your support and voting and special thanx to my editor xXChemicalQueens97Xx

i hope you will like

many hugs


With my clothes, armor, and sunglasses checked; I stood before wooden doors that lead to the Throne room. I must have checked myself a hundred times now. I needed to think of something else besides checking myself.

I could smell him even through the doors. His scent smelt like the sea and making my wolf did a little happy dance inside of me, thrilled to see her other half. I was standing before the doors like a fool and trying to calm my damn hormones of arousal so he wouldn´t smell it. If he did he would more than likely try to seduce me again and I so didn´t need that, not when my wolf wanted him like a junky wanted his drugs. I was trying to think about him and Clarynn together doing all kinds of things, things that my wolf didn´t want to hear or see. It helped me a little; my arousal was slowly replaced with anger and hate. Taking a few deep breaths I took a step forward and opened the doors to hell.

All eyes turned to look at me. I walked with my head held high and with confident strides I placed myself beside Blade. In the same line was Miri who stood next to Blade also, and beside her was Axel. Master was standing before us, and on the Thrones were the King, Prince Alessandro. What made my wolf angrier was the fact that Clarynn was seated beside him; and of course I just couldn´t miss the man who stood behind her, my so called father Jonathan.

This will be interesting.

“Kendra thanks you for coming! I hope you have recovered from the attack. We need to have a full report of what happened at the mall. I need information about what happened and what the attackers looked like, maybe I know them.” King seemed tired when he spoke.

“Kendra how are you feeling?” my master turned to face me.

“I feel great, the wound healed without any complications, Master.” I then turned to face King himself. “I would like to give my fully report.” And be dismissed as soon as possible so I can get away from my mate and keep from killing two people in this room. But of course I didn´t say that out loud.

“Of course Kendra, you can start right now.” I talked for a few minutes giving them only the most important details of what happened and what they needed to hear. After giving them a perfect description of the attackers, the King´s face turned into deep frown. After my speech everyone was quiet. Well, it last just for a moment, before my dearest step sister spoke.

“You stupid dog! You pushed me into the glass door and now I have cuts on my back; I also have a huge bruise on my body!” I couldn’t believe she had the audacity to complain about a few cuts, they would disappear by tomorrow! But what irritated me to the core was her calling me a stupid dog. Why the hell does everybody keep using that word, I mean, we are all wolves and they need to respect that.

“Look princess, I would really appreciate if you stopped calling me a dog. If you don´t, I won´t responsible for the consequences that might kill you in the process.” I snarled at her, “And for the other thing; we saved your life and I think you should be a bit more grateful to your saviors. Think about that next time when someone attacks you. Or maybe I won´t jump in front of you to take a few bullets for you. I mean after all it’s not like I almost died or anything, note the sarcasm. Maybe next time I will just let it hit you instead of me. Maybe then you might learn a lesson or two.” She looked at me with wide eyes and an open mouth. Oh, how I loved that look on her. She looked so ridiculous and funny.

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