What Are You Thinking About?~Lucaya

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Prompt: Maya and Lucas are in their 20s and are having their weekly movie date. Maya catches Lucas staring at her and acting nervous. 

"Huckleberry!! Get your butt in here, the movie's starting!" Maya said as she put the disc in the dvd player and plopped down onto the couch in their shared apartment.

"How long will you keep calling me Huckleberry? I thought that ended in High School!" Lucas screamed out from the kitchen as he made the popcorn.

"It will only end when it gets old. The great thing is that it never will!" She laughs to herself as her boyfriend of 6 years sits down next to her.

"So what movie are we watching this time?" Lucas asks as his girlfriend snuggles into him chest.

"The Notebook, obviously!" She laughs once she sees the reaction on his face.


"Yes! It's my turn to pick, so I picked this!" She stuck her tongue out and turned her attention to the movie that started to play.

Halfway through the movie, Lucas found himself growing extremely bored, but he wasn't going to do anything. He wasn't going to ruin his beautiful girlfriend's favorite movie for her. He found himself being more fixated by Maya, than by the cheesy rom-com on his tv screen. He was so lost in the thought of how lucky he was, he didn't even realize that his blonde beauty was staring back at him.

"What are ya thinking about, Ranger Rick?" She woke him up from his trance.

"I was thinking about how stupid I was to have taken so long to finally understand that you are the one that I needed. I know that Riley and I had something, however small it was, but I should have known that our thing was larger than life." He pauses never once breaking eye contact with Maya Penelope Hart. "Do you what I realized?"


"That I loved you long before I actually figured it out. You were the mystery at first, but then I noticed you were so much more. You aren't a bad girl, you aren't a rebel. You are an artist with a flair for making life more interesting. I will probably never be totally able to figure you out, but I know one thing."

"What's that, Lucas?" His heart flutters every time she calls him by his actual name.

"That you are Maya Penelope Hart, and that is all you will ever need to be in my eyes." She smiled, trying to hide her blush, and put her head back down onto his chest. "Well, maybe not all you will ever need to be."

Maya gets up suddenly, looking at her boyfriend with sad eyes.

"I mean, you will need to become my wife one day." Maya grabbed a pillow and whacked his chest with it. She chuckled before they started cuddling and she started drifting into a deep slumber filled with dreams of her becoming Maya Penelope Friar.

A/N: Hope you like!! Please request an imagine, prompt, one-shot, or preference! I can also do personal imagines will you and a character/actor! Love you -Angelina

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