Josh x Reader Imagine Part One

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"Hey babe! I wish you were here!" Josh whines over the phone on your daily video call

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"Hey babe! I wish you were here!" Josh whines over the phone on your daily video call.

"I know, I know. But if it makes you feel better, college is terrible. Princeton is really boring right now because I don't have any classes till Tuesday and I don't know what to do. 

"It must be difficult with all of those barely pubescent teens whining about love triangles and who everyone else should be with." You chuckle as you saw a confused look on his face.

"I didn't tell you about Riley's triangle, did I?" You laugh more.

"No, no you didn't, but I know. There's always a triangle at that age. I was even a part of a triangle in my day." He just scoffs, and you realize something. "WAIT, RILEY IS IN A TRIANGLE??"

"Oh, yeah, it's a big mess." He pinches the bridge of his nose, and laughs at you before saying, "But I don't want to talk about that. Lord knows that my weekend is going to be completely full of it. I just want to hear you talk about whatever. I love listening to you talk."

"Aww, babe! When did you get so sweet?" You coo at the 17 year-old.

"I've always been sweet to you. It's appalling that it took you three years to notice!" He fakes offense.

You are sent into a spiraling fit of laughter that only he could make you do.

He looks at the watch on his hand and starts to say, "I don't want to leave, but I have to go. I have to check on all of the kiddies. I'll talk to you later! Bye, love!"

"Well, they need you more than I do. Bye, Joshie!" You blow a kiss and he pretends to catch it and put it in his pocket, as he ends the call.

You knew what you had to do.

*buzz buzz*

"Hey Y/N! What's up?" Riley says into the phone once she picks up.

"I need your help with something." You say to the brunette and you could practically hear her smile through the phone.

"YAY!! I love helping people! What do you need?"

"I need to surprise Josh. He told me earlier that it's couples weekend and I think it would be so romantic if I spent it with him."

"That's an amazing idea! I love it!"

"But that can wait for a minute, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE IN A TRIANGLE?"

Apparently, Riley put you on speakerphone because you heard Maya say, "Oh no."

 Let's just say that Maya and Riley got even more of an earful than they would have when you found out that both of them were in the triangle. Also, both of them said that you were not allowed to meet Lucas, because they were generally scared for his health  

***Half A Day Later***

"Y/N! You made it!" She says after she met you out front. 

 "Of course! So should I check into my room first or should I just go ahead and surprise him?"

"I think you should just go and surprise him first. By the way, how did you get a room so last minute?"You went to the cab driver, paid him, and got your bag out of the trunk.

My mom has a friend whose son works here." You heard an audible gasp.

"What was his name?" You turned around and said,

"Evan." She gasped even louder. So much that Evan came outside to see of everything was okay.

"Riley? Are you alright? I thought I heard someone gasp. Oh, hey Y/N. Glad you could make it. I already checked you in, so here in your room key." He hands you a small plastic card.

"Thanks, I'm going to go find Josh!" You squeal as Evan chuckles and Riley just stands there open-mouthed.

"I think I saw him sitting with Maya in the main area." Your smile falters. You know that Maya has a thing a thing for Josh and even though she is three years younger, she is stunning. You know that Josh thinks so too (you may have had Riley become a spy for you while you're at college).

You just nod and run into the lodge. As you do you hear Maya say, "I like you, Josh. It's you I like." You let a silent gasp leave your lips.

But than what you hear next breaks your heart. "I like you too."

"Well than I guess I have no place here, do ?" Tears escape your eyes, as Josh stands up.

"Wait, Y/N! That's not what I meant!"

"It's not?" Maya says in a timid voice.

"Wait, no I did. Wait I'm not sure! It's confusing!"

"Well let me give you time and space to figure it out." You ran out of the lodge and you ran into Riley who was with Lucas. "Well, I think your triangle might be solved, by my relationship just ended because of it. This was a mistake."

 "Oh no, I'm sorry Y/N." Riley gives you a giant hug.

"This was a mistake. I'm going back to Princeton. I wish that I never came." You reply still hugging her.

"Let me call you a cab." Lucas says as he walks away.

"I knew that he thought Maya was pretty but I never thought that he would rather be with her?"

Riley let go for a second to say, "Maya was involved in your breakup?"

"It's not her fault Riley, don't ruin your friendship over this." The cab pulled up and you stood up. "I hope we can still be friends whether or not I am with Josh."

"Of course!" Riley said with slight teary eyes. "I am so sorry." She gives you one final hug.

"It's not your fault. But Riley, remember, don't ever let a boy come between you and the people you care about. But I have to go." You were crying really hard as you put your bag in the car. "I'm just upset that he hasn't tried to stop me or change my mind. I guess he really would rather have her. Well, this is goodbye. I hope I see you soon, Riley."

You get in the car and drive away, not looking back because if you do, all you will do is cry thinking about Josh who is in there probably talking to Maya.

A/N: I hope you like it! Tell me if you want a part 2! If you want an imagine like this or you want to make a request for an imagine for any GMW ship message me!

Love you all!-Angelina

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