Help Me~Rilaya

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Prompt: Riley is being harassed and Maya is upset that she asks Lucas and Zay to help instead of her.

A/N: This might make you feel uncomfortable or bring back unpleasant memories, so please read with caution.



Riley gripped her phone and plugged in her headphones and started to walk down the halls after cheer practice. She dialed Lucas's number just in case he tried something.

"Hey, babydoll." Alec creepily whispers as she walks past. Riley tries to keep walking before she is pulled back into his arms. She pressed the call button and hoped that Lucas would pick up.

"Hey, Riles. What's Up?" Lucas says and she hears Zay scream in the background,

"Hey Riley!"

"I'm starting to believe that you are avoiding me little one. But then I thought, why would my sweet little Riley Matthews want to avoid her favorite senior?" She flinched as he kissed her neck.

"Alec, please don't do this. I have a girlfriend." She pleaded but all he did was place his hand over her mouth.

"So, you've been refusing me for a silly little girl?" He turned her around to face him and slapped her right across her face before she dropped to the ground, and he hovered over her.

"RILEY, WHAT'S GOING ON? RILEY?" She heard Lucas yell into the phone.

"Don't tell me, it's that girl you are always around. What's her name again..." Riley quivered in his hold, hoping that nothing would happen to Maya. She would do what this creep wanted if nothing happened to the best thing in her life. "Maya Hart? Is that right? I guess it is from how much you are whimpering. Well, if she's the only thing standing between us, I may just have to take care of her." Shivers were sent down her spine as her captor cackled.

"Please, do what you want to me, just don't hurt Maya. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if she got hurt because of me." Alec slammed her back on the ground before going to pick up Riley's backpack that she dropped.

"RILEY!! DON'T SAY THAT. *muffled* ZAY! Riley's in trouble, we have to go help her! *regular* Where are you? We're coming to help!"

"I'm at the high school." Riley tried to whisper into the microphone of her earbuds.

"Who are you talking to?" Alec yelled as her strutted over and ripped the phone out of her hand. "Whoever this is, there is nothing to worry about. Riley just realized that she was much better off with me, and we are running away together. Bye, bye."

He dropped the phone and pulled Riley up and started dragging her down the hallway. Riley couldn't hear him, but Lucas said, "Zay, call Maya and tell her what's happening. We have to go to the high school before he takes her anywhere else."

Alec turned a corner, and went down a hallway, and then turned another corner, and another, and another. "THIS SCHOOL IS TOO CONFUSING! Where are we?"

"Alec, you are a senior and you don't even know how to get out of the school?"

"Shut up. Riley! I barely ever go to school." He scoffs as she rolls her eyes but squeals once his grip tightens.

"Let her go Alec!" Zay yells with Lucas right behind them as they run down the hallway.

"Help me." Riley whispers before Alec punches her till she's knocked out,"

When she wakes up she's sees Maya cradling her as she cries. She notices that she is in her room and that all of her friends were spread around her room, asleep. She tries to sit up but she has a pounding headache that makes her let out a groan.

"Honey? Thank goodness you are okay! Why didn't you tell me that he was harassing you? I could have helped!" Maya quickfires before Farkle puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Let her breathe, Maya. She just woke up, give her some space!"

"But I need to know something!" Maya cries as Riley caresses her face.

"I'm okay, Farkley." Riley shuffles up on her bed until she's resting against her headboard. "What do you need to know, Peaches?" In that moment, Maya realized that Riley was an amazing person, because no matter what just happened, she would rather hear Maya out than admit that she's in pain. She did that because she thought Maya was more important than the pounding she felt in her head.

"Everyone else, out now. I need to speak to my girlfriend!"

Isaiah jumped up and ran out of the room wanting to give the girls their space, but also not wanting to deal with angry Maya.

"But Smackle is still sleeping," protested Farkle.

"I got this." Lucas yelled as her carried her bridal style from the bay window. From the hall you could hear Isadora say,

"Lucas, put me down! I am dating Farkle! No matter how tempting you are..."

Then Farkle groaned, "SMACKLE!" He raced out after her, shutting the door behind him.

Maya sat against the headboard and positioned Riley so that her head was in Maya's lap but she was looking up at her. "So, what did you want to know?"

Maya stroked Riley's hair as she asked her, "Why did you call Lucas and Zay instead of me? DO you know how much it hurt to find out secondhand from Huckleberry that my girlfriend was being attacked and had been verbally and physically abused? Why wouldn't you tell me? I should be the first person you trust with something like this!"

Riley noticed the tears slipping from Maya's face and she wipes them away as she pulls Maya's head closer to hers.

"Lucas and Zay were the first ones I called because I couldn't stand the thought of you being hurt trying to protect me. He threatened you and I lost it. Every emotion came rushing out. I was a mess. And of course I couldn't do anything, because if I tried, I knew that you would be harmed. I always want you to be safe, so that's why you weren't the first person I trusted. That is why I called Lucas. Not because I want them to get harmed, but because I knew they could handle it, not that you can't. I would just rather know that you were safe and sound.

"Don't ever doubt my love for you or my trust in you. You are, always have been, and always will be the most important person in my life, and I love you so much, Peaches. No matter what we go through, I will always come back to you, because you are mine Maya Penelope Hart, and I am yours."

"I love you so much, Riles."

"I know." They exchanged a loving and sweet kiss before Maya decided that her neck hurt from being in that position. She spent the rest of that day holding her girlfriend very close as they watched movies with their friends (yes they watched The Notebook, because Zay kept begging for about 15 minutes). Maya and Riley knew from that day forward that from then on they would always be the person that each other trusted the most.

A/N: That turned out way longer than expected but I hope you like it! If you have a request for an imagine, or one-shot for a ship or if you want a preference send it to me!

Love you guys-Angelina

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