Jealousy~ Josh x Reader

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Everyone, time to head upstairs! Lights out in ten minute!" Corey calls out to group of teenagers sitting by the fireplace. They all rush up the stairs but you stay seated, staring at the fire.

"Y/N, are you coming?" You look up to see your best friend Josh looking at you and flashing his signature smile.

"I think I'm going to stay up for a little bit. It's been a while since I've been alone with just me and my thoughts. I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts." He kisses you on the check, and you feel your heart skip a beat.

"Well don't stay up to late, gorgeous." You smile as he heads up towards the room.

You are left by yourself and your thoughts immediately went to the object of your heart's desires, Josh. You thought about him for a good ten minutes before you see a boy about your age come through the main door with a messenger bag slung over his shoulder. He smiles at you and you smile a friendly smile back.

You were staring into the fire when you felt a presence in front of you. You look up to see the same boy from earlier holding two glasses of hot chocolate.

"I figured you could use a little chocolaty late night snack." He smiled and you felt something different.

You grab the mug from his hand, "Thanks."

He sits across from you and you can feel him staring at you.

"You seem troubled. What's wrong?"

You chuckle, "Just love life problems."

He scoffs, "Really? A beautiful person like you having relationship problems? I doubt it."

"Well, tell that to the guy I have spent the last year and a half crushing on." You take a sip of the hot coco and he moves, sitting right next to you. You turn to face him.

"Well if it hasn't noticed that a beauty like you is interested that he has suffered a tremendous loss." You blush and just stare into your cup.

"Thank you. I wish he saw me the way you do. But enough about me, tell me about you."

"No it's okay. You seem interesting, I want to learn about you." He smiles.

"Please. I need to talk about anything else other than Josh or I will explode."

He laughs and you feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders. Your crush was taking a backseat tonight, and you were grateful.

"I'm Evan."

"Y/N. Can I ask why you decided to talk to me?"

"It's always been my dream to be a Sherpa. I want to be able to help people reach places they didn't realize they could. You are different than most people I talk to. You have a place that is very much within your reach, but you are too scared."

"I didn't realize my emotions were that transparent." You chuckle to hide how frightened you are. If a stranger could see your feelings this well, then could Josh?

"No, they're not don't worry." You breathe a sigh of relief. "But I can see someone's feelings much better than the average person. Now, like I said, I want to hear about you. I want to hear about the boy who has stolen your affections.

You rested your head on his shoulder and for some reason you blurted out all of your feelings to a total stranger. By the time the morning had come, you had told him more in one night than you had told Josh in three weeks.

*The Morning*

You were shaken awake. You rub your eyes and let them adjust to the light. You saw Josh looking down at you with either hurt or confusion in his eyes. He looks to left, and then you notice the boy whose shoulder you were leaning on and whose neck your arm was wrapped around. You immediately let go and that wakes up Evan and he sees Josh staring down with anger at him.

"So that's Josh?" Evan chuckles once you nod.

Josh stands up and walks away with an unreadable face.

You both stand up and you see the kids file in.

"Sorry about that. I usually don't tell strangers everything about me then fall asleep on their shoulders."

"I guess I just have that effect on you." You smile and give him a hug and say,

"Thanks for talking to me. I needed that." Before you let go, you hear someone yell behind you.

"Who's that, that there?" You let go and see Maya pointing at Evan.

"Maya, this is Evan, we were just talking."

"No, no, no, no, no. You talk with Josh. You don't talk with Evan." Riley yells.

"I'm going to go see if Josh is okay. Sorry that I'm leaving you here with them."

"I'm not the one you need to be worried about right now. So, go get your boy."

You smile extra wide before running out of the room towards where Josh walked out. You see him sitting on a bench with his head in his hands. You always hate to see him upset.

"Josh?" His head shoots up, hearing your voice. You can see the tears growing in his eyes, which surprise you because you rarely see him so vulnerable.

"What do you want Y/N?" You are surprised by the harsh tone in his voice.

"I wanted to explain myself. I wanted to tell you face-to-face that nothing happened."

"Sure. You just talked all night with a boy who is just your type."

You scoff, "How do you know what my type is?"

"I see all the boys you go on dates with. Perfect brown hair, perfect eyes, perfect height for you. They all look like him."

"No, they all look like you, you big doofus." You thought.


"Did I say that out loud?"

He smiles just a bit. "Yes, yes you did. But why?"

"Notice how you said that I went on dates with those people. I never started dating with anyone. That was because no matter what kind of person they were, they weren't you."

"How can you say that when I wake up to see that you weren't in your room? You scared me half to death and then I see you asleep on another guy's shoulder!" He stands up and starts to pace up and down the patio before you block his path.

"The only thing I talked to him about was you. He only talked to me about the girl he liked. It was nice to talk to someone. Are you seriously mad at me for talking to someone?" He scoffs and you smirk. "Or are you just mad that I was talking to a guy?"

He can't look you straight in the eye. "I'm just mad that you feel asleep next to him. I'm mad that you felt comfortable enough to tell him about the way you were feeling, when you can't even tell me!"

"Yes, because I am going to tell the boy I care for, who doesn't care for me, my feelings for him."

"Of course I care for you! Who wouldn't care for you? And how could you not tell? I get so jealous when you even mention another one of your guy friends! You are so amazing and I just want to make you mine! That's all I've ever wanted!"

You feel yourself blush over how worked up he's getting and you pull him into an emotional kiss, having say everything for you. "Why didn't you say that before? I've been waiting for you for so long."

"Well, you won't have to wait for me any longer. I am yours for as long as you'll have me." You kiss him once more before you hear someone say behind you,

"Sherpa!" You smile into the kiss, knowing that no matter how jealous Josh would get, that he was only jealous because he cared about you. And that is the greatest feeling you could ask for.


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