Tired~Riarkle Fic

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Farkle's POV

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Farkle's POV

I never thought that our group would be the way it is. I never thought it would change. I always thought that both Riley and Maya would always be unattainable and I would love them both equally, that Riley and Lucas would always be inevitable, and that Maya would find someone else who was just like her. I meet Smackle, Zay came along, and everything started to turn. The triangle happened, I grew up and by up I mean that I'm a whole lot taller, and Riley chose her friendship over a boy.Then Smackle and I broke up and I liked Riley more than I ever thought humanly possible. But all that probably could have predicted if I payed attention to the chain of events instead of using my feelings to analyze this story.

What I could have never predicted was that I would be sitting here at 2 in the morning talking with Riley who is resting on my shoulder, while the rest of our friends are sound asleep around us. But what really startles me is that she wants to talk about feelings. 

How do I hold a conversation with her at 2 in the morning without telling her everything that I feel? I can't afford to let her know! I'm not going to let our friendship be ruined. But then again, if I do say something she'll probably just going to think that I'm just being me but reverting back to my 'Riley or Maya' 7th grade days. Either way, I'm not saying a thing about it.  

"Farkle, you know most things, right? So, may I ask you a question?"

I chuckle at her sleepy face knowing that she's so tired, but she is always willing to stay up to talk with her friends. "Of course, Riley. You know you can ask me anything."

"How do you talk to a person you like when it physically hurts you because you want to say so much but you can't say anything?"

Luckily for her, she is asking the master on this subject. "Well, you hold back as much as you can, and then you let it out little by little. Just enough so it doesn't seem suspicious."

A confused look grows on her face, "But how do you do that? How do you let it go little by little without letting go of too much?"

I try to smile but I falter until I just hang my head and rub my eyes. Who am I kidding? I need to tell her how I feel! I can't hold onto a dream forever. If she doesn't feel the same then at least I'll know and I won't be pining over this elusive fantasy. "You look at them as much as you can without them noticing. You say things that could be perceived as friendly or romantic and you trust that your friendship is strong enough that they believe you are just being kind. You compliment them as much as you can without seeming creepy. You laugh at their every corny joke, and smile whenever they smile. You are always the first one show up when they are sad and you become the first one they tell when they have good news. You root for them no matter what, and you fantasize about what life would be like if you just said I love you." 

I see a tear slip from her eye but before I can say anything about it, she wipes it away and turns her head. "Farkle?"

"Yeah, Riles?"

"How do you know so much about this?"

"Because I am in love with someone who I can be with, because they are this inaccessible thing."

Riley turns my head so I have to look her straight in the eye. "Is it me, Farkle?"

I fake laugh. "What are you talking about?"

"Farkle, please tell me I am not wrong. I don't know what I'd do if I put myself out of the line and I was wrong. I really hope I'm not because I don't want to be this fantasy to you, I want to be your reality. I want to be yours." This is something I would never have guessed in a million years. I literally have no words to express what I feel for her, so I do the only thing I can think of. I can kiss her, and it is the best thing I have ever done. I want to live in this moment forever. I know, so cliche of me.

"You are so right that everything else in the world seems wrong. I have loved you since day one. Every time I told you I love you I meant in a sense that I loved you the way Cory loves Topanga. Please just be mine."

"I was always yours, Farkle. I was just blindsided but I should have realized that I would always come back to you, that I am my strongest when I'm with you. I love you so much."

"I love you too. To Pluto and back."

She smiles and it is one of the most beautiful things I have ever witnessed, knowing that I am the cause. "To Pluto and back. Should we tell them?" I wait for a second before saying,

"Let's enjoy it by ourselves for a little bit before we tell them." She smiles.


So for the next month we were the couple you see in every movie about a secret relationship. Hiding from our friends, me sneaking into her room, and stealing little kisses between classes. I was ready to tell our friends but then Riley reminded me about the Mr. Matthews of it all. But one night when she was sad, she asked me to stay. So I stayed, and at some point I fell asleep.

But I wake up to a voice that I know is not one of my parents,

"Is she still asleep?" I think Lucas says.

"I think so."

"Can we go in anyways?" I hear Maya ask Topanga.

"Yes, but she's probably very sleepy. I don't think she fell asleep until 2." Then the door opens and I hear an audible gasp.

"What do think Farkle is doing here?" Izzy asks.

"I don't know but I'm going to find out." Maya yells.

I notice Riley stirring but I opt to stay put. I feel her leave my grip and whisper,

"Be quiet or you'll wake him up!"

"Too late." I mumble before opening my eyes. I barely sit up before I get grabbed by my collar. "Whoa, Maya. I'm not Lucas, wrong boy!"

She smirks, "Not today Farkley. Now why did I find you in Riley's bed?"

"She was sad, she asked me to stay." I defend myself as I throw my hands up.

"Peaches let go of my boyfriend." She drops my collar but her jaw drops as she turns to Riles.

"BOYFRIEND?" Lucas and Zay scream in unison.

Meanwhile, Smackle says, "Called it."

"Yes, boyfriend, and she's my girlfriend, and she has been for the last month. We didn't want to tell you because we weren't sure how you would react." I kiss my girl's forehead.

"I am shocked." Lucas says but Zay just gives me a high five.

"Just treat my peaches right okay Minkus?"

"Got it! I'll treat Riley in the best way possible!"

"Hey guys!" I hear Mr. Matthews yell as he walks into the room in his pajamas and my eyes go wide. "When did you get here Farkle? And Riley who were you talking to last night?" Then I guess he figured it out. I guess he's smarter than I took him for. "Minkus?" I have never heard something so frightening.

I turn to Lucas, "How did you deal with him chasing after you?"

"I ran." I wince.

"Not usually an option, but I'll try." I kiss my beautiful girlfriend before saying, "Can you at least give me a head start?"


"Bye Riley!" I scream as I dive through the window lucky enough to have both of my shoes. That's going to be an interesting conversation, but it will be worth it because Riley is mine and that's all that matters.


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