I Don't Compare To Them Part Four

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lyrics are from "Beautiful Girl" by Sara Bareilles--i love this song so freaking much and I totally recommend it bc Sara Bareilles is amazing also SHE'S GONNA BE IN WAITRESS AND I CAN'T WAIT IT'S GONNA BE AMAZING

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lyrics are from "Beautiful Girl" by Sara Bareilles--i love this song so freaking much and I totally recommend it bc Sara Bareilles is amazing also SHE'S GONNA BE IN WAITRESS AND I CAN'T WAIT IT'S GONNA BE AMAZING

Farkle's POV

I grip the ukulele in my hands as I stare at my bedroom door Y/N just stormed out of. Why did she say that she wasn't important? Why can't she understand that she is the most important thing in my life? UGH, why does this feel like a bad, angsty romcom from the 80s? I throw the ukulele on my bed and run out to the living room hoping that the train didn't reach the door yet. I see her slam the door behind her as I sprint down the hall. I stop in my tracks and bang my fist repeatedly against the wall.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, NOO!!"

"Farkle, baby? What's that noise? Is everything okay? What's happening?" My mom questions as she comes up behind me.

"Nothing's happening, mom, everything is just fine." I turn around and start to walk towards my room but she stops me before I'm able to walk past her. "What is it mom? I have homework to finish." I grumble under my breath not making eye contact. 

"I just want to know what's wrong! I want to help!" 

"You never want to know so why now, why the ONE time when I want you to BUTT OUT."

"Well I realized that I'm not there for you as much as I should be, and I'm trying to change that so please Farkle, tell me what's wrong."

"Well right now, I don't want you to know, I certainly don't want to tell you what's wrong, and I don't need your help." I push past her and sprint down the long corridor that leads to my hiding place. I open the door to the room that used to be my nanny's until my mom fired her and decided to become a stay at home mom. Now it is filled with the things that make me happy and help me escape from everyday life. I always come here when mom and dad are fighting so I have something to cheer me up.

I start playing the playlist that Y/N made for me with all of her originals songs and I plop down on the bed I still have in here. I smile as my speaker blasts the song she made me for my thirteenth birthday. As the song ends I look around the room and I notice how many things she gave me that are actually in here. If only she could see this and understand how indescribably happy she makes me.  

I glance at the globe she gave me for our "friendiversary" that had all of the places she wants to travel together and all of the places she wants to go on tour if she ever becomes famous. I pluck it off of its shelf and I start to twirl it. I drag my hand across it and my finger catches on something. I take a closer look and see something I have never noticed before.

It's the corner of a paper poking out from the equator. I take the globe apart and grab the lilac colored paper.

My Genius,

I was going to give this globe to you once I became famous so I wouldn't actually be there when I finally showed you my feelings, but I guess now is better because you might not even find this anyways.

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