I Don't Compare To Them Part Three

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"Honey? It's time to get up! Are you feeling any better? Do you think you can go to school?" My mom yells through my bedroom door.

"Yeah, mom. I feel better. I'll get ready in a minute!"

"Okay, just come out when you're ready. I can drive you to school today, because I'm going into work late." I hear her footsteps as she goes down the stairs and I check my phone. I see 138 texts.

I look and see 27 unread texts from Farkle. I don't want to talk to him right now but I should probably take Zay's advice and let him know that I'm okay. I mean I'll see him at school but I don't want him to worry anymore.Even though it still baffles me that he's worried at all.

I open his texts and the first one I see is,


I nearly cry just seeing that I cause him so much worry. He shouldn't care about me, but then again he is so caring to every one of his friends.

Farkle, calm down. I'm okay. I'm coming to school today, but please don't bombard me with questions. I will answer your question when I want to.

I'm not going to tell him what's actually happening and I have to hope that Maya, Riley, and Smackle won't either.

**At School**

"Have a good day at school! I don't have work today, so I can pick you up at three!"

I pause before getting out of the car, "Actually, can you pick me up at four? We wanted to go to Topanga's to study for Mr. Matthew's test tomorrow."

"We being..." I roll my eyes.

"Me, Maya, Zay, Smackle, Riley, Farkle, Lucas, and maybe Charlie. He rarely ever shows up until someone mentions him by name."

I hear a knock on my car window. I look up to see Charlie Gardner. "See, mom. This is what I mean. See you at four. Bye mom." I open the door as Charlie steps back."Hey Charlie."

"So I noticed you weren't at school yesterday, is everything okay?"

I fake a smile. "I'm fine. Just a little sick. I should be okay though." I see Farkle at his locker talking to Riley and when he looks up at me, I rush down a hallway leaving Charlie sprinting to catch me.

He grabs my arm, "Y/N, what's wrong? Usually you run to Farkle, not away from him?" I pry his hand off of me.

"I don't want to talk about it Charlie."

"But Y/N!"

"I said no, Charlie! Now leave me alone!" I scream at him ignoring the stares of passersby as I stomp down the hall towards the girls bathroom. I start to cry but I hear the school bell ring so I clean up my face and head to first period.

Farkle's POV

I saw Y/N run down the hallway so I close my locker, say goodbye to Riley and rush after her. I just want to talk to her, and hopefully comfort her so that she talks to me about what is going on.

I turn the corner just to see Y/n running from Charlie and into the girls bathroom. So I walk up to him.

"What happened?" He turns and has a confused look on his face.

"I have no idea. She saw you and ran in the opposite direction. Dude, something's going on with your girlfriend and you need to figure it out."

"She's not my girlfriend, Charlie." I say as I turn back around and walk towards my honors biology class.

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