"I Don't Compare To Them" Part One~ Farkle x Reader

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A/N: In this Smarkle never happened but Smackle is still in the clique six, because Smackle is bae, and the reader will be jealous of her as well.  

Part One~ The Assignment

I walk into Topanga's with Zay as we join our group . "I'm sorry, Riley, but I hate your father's newest assignment." scowling as I plop down next to Farkle as Zay grabs a muffin from Maya's mom.

"Yeah, I don't like it either." Zay agrees as I snatch the muffin out of his hands. "HEY!"

"I need this more than you right now." He chuckles before grabbing another one only to have it stolen by Riley.


"Sorry, Zay. But I agree, Y/N." Riley says as she sits down next to Maya.

"I think it's one of his better ones actually." Farkle says barely looking up from his textbook.

"Why? I hate it!"I moan as I lay my legs over Farkle's textbook, which he just picks up and places on top of my shins.

"Can someone please explain the lesson? I wasn't listening." Maya says as she lays her head in Riley's lap, abandoning all homework for now.

"We have to write an entire project on who we compare ourselves to and why, so basically we have to reveal all of our insecurities and it's an oral report, so we have to do all of this in front of our classmates! But what does that even have to do history! I don't get it!"

"But at least he said we could present it in any way, so you could always sing one of your songs, Y/N." Farkle tried to tell me. Let's recap, I am a songwriter. I always write about life experiences and while this would be great writing material, this is the last subject I want to talk, or even sing, about.

"Yeah, but my songs are for you guys and you guys alone, I don't even show my parents my songs. And this is more difficult than anything I've written, because I won't be writing it just for me, I'll be writing it for a grade, and knowing I'll be criticized is a frightening thought."

"Okay, first of all, they shouldn't be just for us, they are too incredible, and second of all, just write it like it is for you, and don't worry about the grade. Mr. Matthews loves you. You are like the only one out of our friend group who isn't involved in our drama." Lucas explains.

I fake a laugh. "Yeah, I mean I guess I can do that." Let's be real here, I'm not worried about my song. I'm worried about the fact that I will have to explain that all I do is compare myself to every single one of my friends because I feel as if I am not good enough to be a part of that group, and that every time I do, I become so much more insecure. 

"At least it's not due for two weeks." Riley says and all I can do is shrug.

****The Next Day****

I was sitting on Riley's bed while she and Maya sat in the bay window, and Isadora was sitting in a chair across from me and reading a calculus book. Yet again they were talking about the triangle, while I was writing lyrics in my song notebook. I have been trying to think of a way to write a song that completes the assignment, but leaves all of my insecurities a secret. Let me tell you, it's not easy.

"What are you writing about this time, Y/N?" Maya asks as she plops down next to me.I fake a smile and quickly close the book so that she won't see it.

"What are you writing about this time, Y/N?" She smiles before trying to snatch the book out of my hand.

"Ah, ah, ah. Remember the policy. No reading until the entire song is complete! Especially this one, it's gonna be special and I don't want anyone to hear it until it is completely finished." Yes, it is special because it clearly says that I am nothing compared to them, the people who know me best. I really don't deserve them.

She pouts. "But you've been working on that song for two days. You know how much I hate being left out of things." 

 "Well sorry, but this song is different. No listening until I use it in class."  

"Quick Smackle, distract her!" Riley screams as Smackle quickly shut her book and starts doing a random dance that is confusing me to no end. I felt my book being grabbed out of my hand by Maya as she runs to the bay window with it as Riley follows.

"NO!" But before I can grab my book, Maya and Riley start to read it. 

In a world surrounded by beautiful people with beautiful souls,

I tend to distance myself, so they don't know I need to be consoled.

But the more times I try to hide,

the more times I realize I die inside.

My friends around me don't understand, they never do,

because they're the ones who I compare myself to.

So yes, call me names and put me on a shelf.

It can't be worse than what I call myself.

Maya looks at me with hurt in her eyes but I can't bear to look at her. I can't believe they know now. "Is this really what you think?"

to be continued...

A/N: I hope you liked part one! I think I'm going to make three parts! Next up is Part Two and a Riarkle fic and a Josh x Reader. Btw, all lyrics are my own!

Love you <3 -Angelina

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