I Don't Compare To Them Part Two~ Farkle x Reader

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Maya looks at me with hurt in her eyes but I can't bear to look at her

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Maya looks at me with hurt in her eyes but I can't bear to look at her. I can't believe they know now. "Is this really what you think?"

I snatch the book out of her hands. "Yes." I run out of her room and I hear all of them call my name. I grab my coat before Riley's parents can say anything and scamper outside the building. I run for three blocks before breaking down on a park bench.

"Y/N?" I look up to see Farkle staring back down at me. "Are you okay? Why are you crying?" I can't do this. I can't cry in front of him. I wipe my tears quickly.

"Nothing's wrong Farkle. Just said, because I...uh...misplaced my...uh...ukulele." That's a good one, because anyone who knows me knows that I love my ukulele. It may be a cheap, bright blue one but my grandma got it for me and it was the first thing I learned how to play music on. I have had it since I was eight and it means the world to me.

"Oh, I am so sorry. I know that it meant a lot to you." He gives me a hug and I just let myself enjoy his embrace, because I know the only ones I will receive from him are friendly ones. I will never be more to him.

"It's fine Farkle. I'm going to go home. I'll see you at school tomorrow." I say waving as I walk down the street.

"Bye, Y/N. I hope you find it." I smile. As soon as I get out of his sight I run two more blocks before rushing into my house.

"Hi honey, how was your day?" My mom asks.

"I don't want to talk about it. I'll be in my room." I say turning my head from her so she can't see my red eyes. I drop my backpack and lock my bedroom door. I jump on my bed and cry as much as I can. Tomorrow is going to be so difficult.

***The Next Morning***

"Honey? Are you feeling okay?" My mom asks through the door. "You didn't come out at all last night!"

Maybe, my mom will let me stay home and I won't have to face them today. "I'm feeling really bad. I have a terrible headache and I think I have a fever.

I hear my mom sigh, "Alright. I'll call Mr. Matthews and let him know that you won't be coming into school today."

I pretend to strain my voice and say, "Okay, mom. Thank you."

I try to fall asleep, but I can't because ten minutes later I hear, "He knows and he said that someone will come by after school to drop off your work."

I cringe. "Did he say who?"

"No, he only said someone. Now, I have to go to work but I'll be home around 6. Your dad left for his business trip to Hong Kong this morning and he won't be back until next Thursday Stay hydrated and call me if you need anything."

"Bye, mom!" After I hear the front door close, I unlock my bedroom door and grab my journal out of my bag. Then I pluck an old photo album from my shelf and sit on the island in my kitchen.

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