Skinny Love~Zayadora AU

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Prompt: Zay made a promise to his mom that he would never let the one he loves get away. Today was the day when he realized that she was already so far gone.

A/N: In this imagine Smackle and Zay have known each other since they were little and join the clique six together. Some swearing, I realize that some of you are still young, but I think this vernacular better suited this situation. Also, this has a sad ending :(

Listen to this:  on repeat while reading :)

Words: 1095

When I was younger, I was watching The Notebook with my mother when I asked her a very important question. I asked what it felt like to love someone. She sat me down and she told eight year-old me the most important thing I have ever heard in my entire life.

She told that love felt like your world would end if your special someone weren't apart of it. That it felt as if there are a million needles piercing your heart when you see them upset.

Loving someone was the worst pain you would ever endure, but also the greatest pleasure. It was a pain that you would be happy to go through time and again if it meant one more minute with them by your side. It was also a pain so excruciating that when they didn't feel the same, you feel as if your insides are slowly decaying until there is nothing left of you.

But she also said that love is a special gift that only few people are lucky enough to receive and that some take it for granted or don't realize they have it until it's gone. She made me, tiny eight year-old me who had no idea what anything she said meant, promise that day that if I found my one true love, who made me feel all of these things, that I would never take it for granted and never let it slip through my fingers.

Today was the day that I broke my promise.

It all because of Farkle. Farkle fucking Minkus. First of all, what in the hell kind of name is Farkle? Who names their kid Farkle? Second of all, why did he have to be the way he is?

He was Izzy's NEMESIS for fucks sake! She wasn't supposed to fall for him! She was supposed to fall for me! That was the plan! She even told me so, not that I would have said no.

When we were nine, Smackle said to me, "Considering I am going to be busy with my job at NASA and working on side projects in my lab, I think it is my best option to marry you since I won't have time to date."

And me being myself I said yes.

But then goddamn Farkle came along with his personality that completely matching hers and *poof* she's gone! It's like I was never there in the first place. At least one good thing came out of him stealing my girl. I got new friends, ones that accepted me no matter what. But the bad thing was that Isadora hung out with them all the time!  I rarely got to talk to her alone. 

Half the time we were with them, she was flirting with this boy named Lucas in front of both me and Farkle. She never did realize how much she affected me. And Farkle was to oblivious to see that I was and still am in love with his girlfriend. For a genius, he really can be dumb.

I know she loves me. We have always been in love with one another, but we have always been too shy to say something. I just also figured that we would naturally end up together. I thought she was my special someone, but I guess I thought wrong.

Because she started dating Farkle Minkus. They started dating 11 years ago. Now I am here on her wedding day outside the church where she will pledge her love and her life to Farkle.

 Meanwhile, I am just wondering if I should actually go in. Izzy would kill me if I didn't, but my heart will shatter if I do.

Someone places their hand on my shoulder and I turn around to see my mother in her dress and my father standing next to her.

"I broke my promise, mama." I say letting a tear slip as she hugs me.

She wipes it away before saying, "I know baby boy. We are going to go in. We'll save you a seat in case you decide to come in." My father pats my back before they go up the steps.

I stay out there long enough that I see Izzy's limo pull and I gasp as she gets out. She has always been beautiful in my eyes, but today she is absolutely jaw-dropping.

"Isaiah! What are you doing out here? You need to get in the church otherwise you are going to miss it! I don't want my best friend moping outside while I am getting married! I am sorry that Farkle didn't make you a groomsman. He doesn't really want you here today."

"I wonder why." I mumble under my breath.

"What was that?" She asks.


She laughs before saying something that made my heart stop. "You know, I always thought that it would be you I would walk down the aisle to. I liked you so much when we were younger. Oh how times have changed."

I can't take it anymore. "Don't fucking say that to me, Isadora. Don't play with my emotions on your fucking wedding day! I have loved you since we were nine and you told me were going to get married. I loved your confidence and how straightforward you are. Yet, I wonder why the most straightforward person I know never told me she loved me."

"I did tell you."

"A friendly 'I love you' is different than confessing your goddamn feelings. A genius like you should understand that." I pinch the bridge of my nose and interrupt her before she starts to say something. "I can't do this. I thought I could go through this without being hurt but I can't. I love you too much to see you marry another man." I reach into my pocket and place the velvet box in her hand. "It's a locket with the first picture you and Farkle ever took together. I hope you enjoy it." I strut away before I hear her voice call me back.

"Zay wait!" She runs up to me bunching her dress in her hands. As soon as I turn around, she kisses me. It feels like everything I imagined it would, but I can't do this to Farkle, so I push her away.

"I love, Isadora. That is why I am letting you go. Have a happy life. Oh, and tell Farkle he got his wish, I won't be here to ruin the rest of your lovely day." I run off as I hear one of Izzy's bridesmaids say,

"Smackle, it's time."

"What have I done?"Smackle asks herself as she opens the locket and lets a tear slip. 

A/N: This took a lot out of me, I'll admit. It wasn't requested but I've been feeling some Zayadora feels for a while so I decided to make this imagine and it turned out being kind of sad.

If you want a fic like this for your favorite ship or you want a character x reader message me and let me know!

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