Josh x Reader Part Two

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  "What were you thinking?" Riley yells at Josh as he sits on the couch in front of her. "Y/N was perfect for you! You had one of the most kind and caring people I have ever met and you go and screw it up! Y/N came from New Jersey to surprise you because you said you wanted her here, and she has been nothing if not faithful and loyal while you have been in New York. Then you mess everything up by admitting that you have feelings for my best friend!"

"Can I just say that I don't want to be a part of this?" Maya said raising her hand from her spot near the fireplace.

"You be quiet. You are already a major part of this." Riley said pointing to the girl.

"I get that I messed up, can you stop yelling at me?"Josh tries to stand up and leave but he is met by most scary glare he has ever seen Riley produce.

"NO!"  Riley shouts. "You didn't even go after her! 

"I thought she would want space more than anything!"

"No girl wants space after something like that! She wants you to run after her, explain yourself, win her back! You only give her space if she asks for it!"

"Well, I didn't know! She's the only girlfriend I have ever had! I haven't had to deal with this before!"

Riley scoffs, "You mean you've never had to deal with your girlfriend walking in on you telling your niece's best friend that you like her? Really, because you handled it like a pro." Sarcasm dripping from her voice.

Maya was frightened, she has never seen her Smiley Riley this upset. "Can I go?" Maya said as she tried to walk away.

"No. You have to help me help him get her back." Maya threw her hands up in defeat.

"What makes you think that I even want to get her back? Let alone need your help to do so?"

"Because the entire time I've been talking to you, you've stayed here listening because you know I have a way to make everything right. You know that you are incomplete without her and you need me to help ensure that she is always a part of your life."

"How do you do this? How do you fix a situation like this? How do you know how to fix a situation like this?"

"I have been watching you and Y/N for four years. I met her when I was 10, and she was just your friend. You were the basis I made for a good relationship. You told each other everything! You even told her about every single time Maya called you Uncle Boing. You guys kept a tally!"

"Wait, you did what now?" Maya interrupted.

"She helped me through a lot of things. Other than my mother, she was one of the first real girl role models I had. She taught me to stick up for myself so I wanted to thank her. I made it my mission to learn things about her. I know how (your/favorite/band) was the first band she ever liked growing up, how the only candy she doesn't eat from her Halloween candy is (your/least/favorite/candy), or how she loves you more than anything in the world."

"So how do I win her back?"

"Go, find her and explain the reasons why you aren't a complete idiot and why you you love her."

"But where does that leave me?" Maya asks in a quiet voice.

Josh finally stands up and takes Maya's hand, "I said that I never want you to not be apart of my life, and that's true. Maya, you are an amazing person and you will find someone who truly appreciates you. You deserve someone whose real and who can be there for you right away. I have someone like that but I let doubt cloud my judgement. My girlfriend got early acceptance at 16 for Princeton and she is such a genius that Smarckle would be jealous When she got accepted, I thought she would find some perfect college genius, and then my fears deepened when I got accepted to that program at NYU, because I knew we would both be busy with school. It's hard to be away from someone you care about. You were close to me and I liked the fact that I had someone nearby who I could talk to, that person being you. I'm sorry that I lead you on, and I really do like you, but Y/N matters too much to me and I can't lose her."

"I understand Josh, I'll get over it."Josh gives her a hug and then runs out of the room.

*One Day Later*

*Y/N's POV*

It has been one day since I saw Josh admitting his feelings for Maya. I mean, if he likes her than he should be happy. Even if that means that my heart is being stabbed ten thousand times over just thinking about him. But he deserves the world, even if I'm not apart of it.

"Y/N, it was his fault, don't beat yourself up over his mistake." My roommate, Sophie, consoles me as I cried while staring at the picture I kept of him on my nightstand.

"I'm going to go, but just call me if you need me to get you anything while your out." I give her a giant hug.

"Maybe a pint of (favorite/ice cream/flavor). Please?" I give her my famous puppy dog eyes and she groans, but smiles.

"Uh, fine. I'll be back in an hour Don't drown yourself in your own tears." She chuckles as she walks out the door.

Five minutes later, I was going through my old text conversations with Josh when someone knocked on the door.

"Oh my god, Sophie! You need to stop forgetting your car keys. I swear you would forget your head if it wasn't attached to your...body." I open the door and see the person I most want to see and least want to see.

"Y/N, I am so sorry. I let my insecurities get in the way of my feelings. I was worried that when I went to NYU, you would meet someone who is so much better for you than I am. It was difficult knowing that you were surrounded by people who understand you more than I do. Babe, I shouldn't have told Maya that I liked her."

"Yeah, you shouldn't have, so why did you?" I question not sure if I should be mad or sad.

"Because of everything that was happening between us. You are here, I am there, she is there. It was nice to someone close to me."

"JOSH! This relationship is never going to work, unless you trust me! You at NYU isn't any different than you being in Philly. We were still a state apart then! You trusted me! Sure, I am Princeton. Yes, I am friends with people who actually know what I am talking about, but I am in love with you. I never thought of even talking to another guy the way I talk to you, but you. You told another girl you liked her. How can I..." I am cut off by him leaning over and crushing his lips into mine.

"I will never do anything like that again. But you have to trust me that Maya means nothing to me. You are my forever and always. I need you in my life. As soon as I realized I messed up, I couldn't deal with myself. Riley gave me an hour and a half lecture. She really is Corey's daughter." I rest my head on his chest and he strokes my hair.

"I knew I liked her for a reason."

"You should have heard her stick up for you. I've never seen so angry at me, or anyone for that matter. She really looks up to you, you know."

"Really? I didn't think anyone would ever see me as a role model."

"Well, you're my role model! You are so beautiful and so smart and caring and selfless and everything I could ever hope for. Please forgive me ."

I cry into his chest and he tilts my head up. "Of course I forgive you, as much as I know I probably shouldn't. I love you too much to let you go."

"I love you so much. I don't want to be with anyone else. I would miss you making fun of me too much." I kiss him before he can say anything else. He might take a while before I can fully trust him again, but I know he'll get there.


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