Lesson Learnt

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****Melanie's P.O.V****

There are no words to describe how I am feeling.

I have killed one of my closest friends. Scratch that. I just shot my only friend I had left. They are all gone now. All because I lost my nerve, freaked out, and pulled the damn trigger. Even though it was an accident, it was still my fault Ashton lay motionless and cold on the ground, a pool of blood streaming from him, making my stomach churn.

"He got what was coming to him, Melanie. He deserved it." Harry breathed in my ear, his voice was husky and rough, caused by his screaming. That reminded me, what had happened before I...when Harry was screaming?

"He didn't deserve that! And why the fuck were you screaming anyway?!" I shouted. Part of me wanted to blame this all on Harry, that Ashton would be alive if Harry never came into my life, or even if Harry had made me watch that damned movie, but I knew I couldn't put this death on Harry. I was the stupid irrational one who pulled the trigger.

"He came back for revenge, Melanie. He wanted to hurt me for taking you from him, and he wanted to hurt you, so you  could feel his pain. Revenge backfires. Or in his case, guns fire." Harry chuckled at his messed up joke.

"How could you joke about this?!" I fumed, my hand craving to swipe itself across his damned face.

"Melanie, the prick was going to make you watch him kill me, then hurt you! Why else would I be screaming out fuck, and yelling for you to hide?!" Harry hissed.

"I never heard you say hide!" I defended. " And maybe you deserve to die! You've killed enough people!"

"If murder makes you worthy of death, than you should be six feet under right now too sweetheart. You're the one that just killed Ashton." Harry reminded me.

"I thought he was you!" I yelled.

Harry's face suddenly changed from amused to angry. His eyes darkened, and I wished more than anything that I could swallow my words. "You what?" he growled, clearly not impressed that I would have even thought of shooting Harry.

"Well...I mean...I didn't want to kill you, just...buy me some time?" I stuttered, trying to avoid making Harry even more angry. Judging by Harry's face, my plan wasn't working.

"Buy time for what Melanie?" Harry tested, clearly knowing what I had intended to do.

"To...find you and see if you were okay?" I lied, but it came out more of a question.

"You shot who you thought was me, to save me?" Harry repeated, catching me out on my lie.

Shit. I knew I was in trouble, and there was no way around it this time. Why couldn't I come up with a better lie? Harry was far too intimidating, that just one look from his was enough for you to dig your own grave.

"Ah, nooo I-"

"Cut the bullshit Melanie." Harry scowled. "I know exactly what you were planning. You know what this means right?"

"No! Harry please, I just got so freaked out! I wasn't thinking clearly!" I urged, half telling the truth. I was scared, but I knew exactly what I planned, and Harry knew I knew that too.

 "That always seems to be the problem, doesn't it?" Harry grumbled, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder, yet again. I pleaded and pleaded with Harry, but he wouldn't listen. I knew he was taking me back to that creep cell room, where he would tie me up and touch me and hurt me all over again, and it felt like my throat was closing up on me, my heart pumped faster and faster as I tried to accept my horrid fate.

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