It was past Snuggles' bed time but instead of taking me home, Andy ended up taking me to her place. It was my first time being there and it was one the fanciest homes on her block. I knew this part of the city was dedicated to the rich, and almighty gang members of the De Palma Family. I guess it made sense for Andy to have one of the better homes in the area. In the neighborhood, there were fancy family homes, luxurious studio homes and even mansions; yet Andy's place resembled a modern day bachelor pad. Everything in her house was advanced and seemed sparkly new.
Surprisingly, the place was clean. I thought with her always being away that her home would be cluttered or dirty, but there wasn't a speck of dirt anywhere. The wooden floors were absent of dirt. The kitchen countertops were sparkling like they've never been used. Nothing in her home seemed out of place. How did she keep it so well kept? Maybe she had a maid or something?
The style of the home wasn't exactly bright. The lights were slightly dimmer than most homes. It gave the house a chill and somewhat romantic vibe. Man, she really did have a bachelor pad. I bet she brought many girls here and wooed them with all of the nice sh-t that she had. My parents were wealthy and I grew up with the privilege of living in a nice home and I was still blown away from her crib.
The color scheme of the furniture and the art of on her wall was mostly black, silver, red and every now and then there was a bright color to make the room pop. She was pretty good at decorating as well, or maybe she just hired an interior designer. I held Snuggles as I openly examined her place. Andy put down her keys on the kitchen counter and told me to make myself comfortable as she went to the bathroom to clean herself up and change out of her bloody shirt.
I accepted the gesture and made myself right at home. I set down Snuggles on the black sectional couch and began wandering around the living room. There were a couple of photos framed by the stereo. The pictures were of Leo, Lin, Andy and another guy. I wasn't sure who he was but he was pretty damn handsome. It was hard to picture him as a gangster because he was so damn pretty. He had a head full of brown curly locks and I could tell he was Latino. His lips was one of his most distinct features, they were big yet sexy. Andy sure had some good looking friends.
In all the pictures, except one, the four of them were in traditional gangster poses. Scowls. Sadistic grins. Folded arms. But in one, they all looked drunk as hell outside of the club. It was one of their most lively pictures. Andy had her tongue out and it looked like she had her arm around Lin's shoulder just to keep herself from falling. I laughed at the picture and shook my head before spotting a stack of CD's on top of the stereo.
Who even still used CDs? I looked through the CD's in my hand. None of them were official albums, but instead discs with chicken scratch writing on them. Some of the labels on the CDs were along the lines of: Hip Hop Bangers, Party Faves, Leo's Mix, R&B Classics and Corny Pop Jams. I giggled at the last one but I couldn't resist to pop in the R&B Classics one. I wanted to see if Andy actually had good taste in R&B music. When the disc began playing, the music boomed out loudly and I jumped back from how loud it was. I turned the system down more than a few notches but within seconds, I was turning it up again.
Automatically, my hips began swaying to the song that was blasting through the speakers. My mouth began syncing the lyrics and I was impressed by the beginning song selection on her little playlist. One More Chance by Notorious B.I.G., an obvious timeless song. I was too busy lip syncing the song and dancing that I didn't notice that Andy had come back in. I didn't realize she had come back until I caught her staring at me with a smirk on her gorgeous face. She had her hands in her pockets as she leant against the wall. She traded out her shirt for a homemade black tank top. I bit my lip when I noticed her muscles. They weren't anything too big but they were noticeable and a turn on. It reminded me of how brave she was to take on Thomas and actually beat his ass tonight. "I see you really made yourself at home," she told me with a small chuckle.

A1: The Don (GirlxGirl)
RomantikAndrea "Andy" De Palma was raised around a gang in which her father organized himself. Italian pride, selling drugs and harming others that stepped in her way was the most she knew. She wanted to be just as notorious as her father. She wanted money...