Chapter Sixteen

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I laid in bed scrolling up and down Facebook on my laptop. So many people were giving me birthday wishes. Family, friends and acquaintances left me hundreds of messages and I solemnly went through each one. Both my mother and father posted embarrassing pictures of me when I was younger and congratulated me on turning the big '23'. I liked their posts and decided to keep it moving. Birthdays just weren't my thing anymore.

The past two years I haven't been celebrating my birthday at all. Most people took days off from work and spent the whole day celebrating with their friends, but I just kept going as if it was any other day. I was grateful for another year of life but I didn't make a big deal out of it. Today, I allowed Mia to take me out for breakfast and that's all of the celebration I needed. It was almost 4:00 in the afternoon and I was content with my lazy day so far.

"Are you sure you don't want to do anything," Mia screeched. It killed her that I never wanted to celebrate my birthday anymore. Birthdays were a big thing for her and her family. Growing up I had two birthdays, the one my parents threw and the one her family threw. The one's her family threw were ten times more interesting. My face always got pushed in a f-cking cake, the music was always on point and the drunk adults were always entertaining to laugh at. "My mom said it's not too late to come over!"

"It'll take us six hours to drive back home. Plus, I really don't want to party, Mia. You know how I feel about today." Mia sighed and I scoffed when I looked back at my laptop. "Yuck. Reese wished me a happy birthday. I'm only her friend to see when she'll finally break up with that girl she's with."

"Queen of keeping tabs on her exes," Mia said sarcastically.

"I have to make sure I'm doing better than them. The only one I don't keep up with is Eric. He can choke," I grumbled.

"Don't bring him up today, okay?"

I sighed and tried to erase all things Eric from my brain. "You're right. Your mother sent me a video of her singing 'Las Mañanitas'," I told Mia to lighten the mood. "Your brothers and sisters were in the background."

She smacked her forehead with embarrassment, "She's annoying. I bet all our friends back home are sharing it. They made her a viral sensation once and those bastards will do it again." I laughed as I remembered the time Mia's mom went viral for cursing out her little brother and hitting him with her flip flop. It was only ten seconds but it was hilarious. "Are you sure you don't want to do something? We can go clubbing with Tyra and Lisa? You could call Andy and get some birthday sex." Mia wiggled her eyebrows at me and I laughed off her last suggestion. She's been really into Andy lately. She went from not trusting her to talking about how cute we were together. It was weird that she changed her mind so fast, but I was thankful because I didn't have to hear her complain about how she didn't want me to get my heart broken.

"She doesn't even know it's my birthday," I told Mia. I didn't want Andy to feel obligated to do anything for me on my birthday. So I didn't plan on telling her it was my birthday at all. We'd address my birthday whenever it came up but for now, I was just letting it be.

My phone vibrated and a text message showed up on my screen. I read the name of the recipient and screamed. "Oh my God!" I threw my phone to Mia. She caught it and looked down at the screen before throwing it back to me. We threw the phone back and forth until I finally caught it and read the message. "I know we don't talk anymore, but happy birthday, D! You're my biggest mistake. I know this day is bittersweet for you. Try your best to actually enjoy it this year." While screaming, I threw the phone to Mia. "Burn it!"

Mia stared down at the phone and shook her head. "I can't burn your f-cking phone, moron. Should I delete it?"

I snatched my phone from Mia and looked down at the message once more. "Should I reply?"

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