Chapter Fourteen

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I never liked clubbing that much, but it was part of the life I lived. After a long day at work, all most gangsters wanted was a drink and someone to take back home. Nightclubs fulfilled both of those needs usually. So it only made sense that Jimmy opened his own nightclub. He named it, Poison and the grand opening was tonight. The profit for this club was going to be huge. He was the head honcho of the city, so of course all of the members of the family were going to make Poison their designated club; no matter how sh-tty it was. Where the gangsters went, most of the people who wanted to be cool followed and so did a bunch of girls with daddy issues. His club was sure to be a success, but I wouldn't be going there much.

The only reason I was going tonight was because it was the grand opening and if I didn't show my face then Jimmy would take it as a form of disrespect. He never got over my speech to the gang and I could tell he was still upset about the fact that Delaney didn't shake his hand that day. I still couldn't believe that myself. She was a straight savage for that.

Leo, Lin and Rafael was going to the grand opening too, but I needed someone to really occupy my time and make being in the club more bearable: Delaney. She really didn't want to see Jimmy either but she sucked it up and got dressed. Now, that's what I call loyalty.

When we walked into the club, I made sure to keep a tight grip on Delaney's hand. Gangsters didn't give a f-ck. They'd snatch your girl right off your arm if you let them. Trust me. I've been there, done that. I stole a lot of girls from their fearful boyfriends. It was like stealing candy from a baby. The nightclub was packed with familiar faces. While walking up to V.I.P., I had to give numerous handshakes and head nods. It was a nice turnout for the first night.

"Finally, you made it," Leo yelled when we made it up to V.I.P. It was a little less crowded but quite a few people were up there. A whole crowd was surrounding a couch. I couldn't see who was sitting down, but it was most likely Jimmy. I bet everyone was kissing his ass as usual. Putting my arm around Delaney's waist, I pulled her closer and used my other hand to give a handshake to all of my friends. We had a gang handshake, but Leo, Lin, Rafael and I had our own. It was way more elaborate and kind of extra, but cool. We tried to make a new one up every year to keep it fresh.

"I was waiting for this one to get ready," I told them as I nodded over to Delaney. She rolled her eyes playfully and surprisingly she spoke to my friends.

"Hey, guys." Usually, she made sure she only spoke strictly towards Lin and Rafael. She hadn't exactly warmed up to Leo's shenanigans yet but I liked to think she was slowly progressing. A general hello was better than nothing, I guess.

"Be honest, Delaney. Did it take you long to get ready or was it Andy taking forever by putting all that damn gel in her hair," Leo teased. She reached over and tried to ruffle my hair but I moved my head swiftly. There was no way I was going to let her mess up my hair. I took pride in my hairstyle and it took quite some time to get my hair exactly the way I wanted it. I admit it. I'm a little vain when it comes to my hair and other things, but at least I know it.

Leo, on the other hand, was vain as hell and she had no clue. She was the type to check out her reflection in a spoon or every glass window she passed by on the street. One time she even went as far to say that if she ever dated a girl then she has to be less attractive than her, which made no sense to me. I wanted my girl to be equally as good looking and hopefully better. In Leo's eyes, she was as good looking as it got, I guess. In my eyes, I thought I was a little more attractive but that was a debate for another time. Sh-t, maybe I am as vain as her.

"Andy takes forever to get ready. She's such a pretty girl," Lin jumped in. "Oh my God, guys don't touch my hair! It took me an hour to get it this perfect," she mocked me.

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