Chapter Forty-Three

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Two months went by and it seemed like we were getting colder and colder when it came to the investigation on who killed Craig. Every time someone thought they had a lead and we were making some progress, we were quickly pulled right back. At this point, everyone was waiting on another clue, although another clue meant another death. Don't get me wrong. I wasn't some weak b-tch that wanted to sit and wait things out. I wanted to kill first and ask questions later, but I had no idea who to go after and it was driving me crazy.

When I wasn't trying to figure out who was the crazy ass killer on the loose, I was busy doing my head honcho duties which actually wasn't that bad. Stefano was right. Being head honcho was quite some work, but it was fun at the same time. Most of it was meeting with other gang leaders of my caliber, keeping peace, negotiating deals, delegating tasks and most importantly having a great time. I had been partying and going out more than usual over the past two months. It was almost necessary. In order to withhold my power, I had to be in the limelight. I had to meet up with other gang leaders in V.I.P. sections of clubs and drink, smoke and converse almost every night.

Before becoming head honcho, I was attempting to stop drinking and smoking so much but now that was basically out of the door. It came with the social life, but even though I did smoke and drink, I tried to make sure I never lost my head. I barely got sh-tfaced or high out of my mind unless I knew I was around good company or celebrating.

Delaney would come and club with me on occasion, but over the past two months, she had been helping Shawn at the clinic. So her nights out were limited. She was committed to practicing medicine and according to Shawn, she was doing well. Sometimes Shawn would leave her unattended to care for patients and she would do just as well as him. She was a fast learner and loving everything about medical sh-t. She would me sh-t that I couldn't understand and I'd just laugh and nod. It was cute to see her so passionate about something though. I was happy for her. We were both doing something we loved and somehow, we still made time for each other.

As for my friends, as usual, we were always together. Not much had changed in that aspect. The only problem was that now that I was head honcho, we needed a new chief. Unfortunately, none of our members were mature enough to be in that spot and that showed a lot. Rafael, Lin and Leo were immature as f-ck but the rest of our crew seemed to be much worst. I was trying to keep track of everyone and although many people wanted the title, no one deserved it. At least not yet.

Anyways, tonight was a special night. It was finally the night of my celebration. I was starting to think that people forgot to f-cking plan it. Becoming head honcho was a huge deal and the celebration for it was even bigger. When they finally announced my party, I was ecstatic and when they told me they had rented out the f-cking Staple Center for it, I got even more enthusiastic. And when I finally arrived in the building with Delaney on my arm, thousands of people clapping and cheering for me, I damn near cried.

Everyone was at the f-cking party, my parents, Giana, my friends, the Family, head honchos and dons from all around the f-cking globe. It was the biggest gangster party that one could dream of. Everyone was flashy in their dopest attire, drinking, laughing, smoking, dancing and enjoying themselves. It was like a big ass family reunion but with a lot of crazy people and guns everywhere. There was enough food to feed a village, enough alcohol to knock everyone in a coma, lots of f-cking drugs and where there's gangsters, you know there's a lot of f-cking women. Leo and Rafael didn't know what to do with themselves. Their tongues were nearly hanging out of their f-cking mouths.

"Damn, I didn't bring enough rubbers for this many girls," Rafael told me as if he was in paradise. We were standing by the punch that was obviously spiked. Once I took a sip, I jumped back but I kept on drinking. It was my night. I might as well get twisted as f-ck. Rafael wrapped his arm around my shoulder as he scanned the room. I did too. The amount of people here was overwhelming. The party started an hour ago and I had already shaken hundreds of hands and talked to several dons. It was kind of intimidating. "Look at that. An ocean full of p-ssy and I'm about to dive in."

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