Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Delaney and I had rushed downstairs shortly after Rafael's announcement. When we got downstairs, everyone was standing in the living room staring down a shaking kid. He had to be no more than sixteen years old. There was blood all over his shirt and he was sobbing. I took a deep breath and went to stand beside my friends. I looked to them for some kind of explanation, but they just stared at the kid in confusion just like me.

"Hey, kid. What happened? Why is there blood all over your shirt?" The kid covered his face with his hands and plopped down on my white couch. I cringed. He was going to get blood all over it. Well, at least it wouldn't be the first time. I had to shoot a guy in my own house once and it took me forever to get the blood stain out of the damn couch. Maybe I should just exchange my furniture for darker colors. Wait, why I was thinking about furniture right now? There was a crying kid in front of me.

"I-I don't know. I walked into the house and he was just laying there. In the kitchen. Food still cooking. Blood everywhere. Lots of blood." I looked towards my friends and they just shrugged their shoulders. Poor kid was so shaken up, I didn't know how I was going to get anything out of him.

"Who was laying on the kitchen floor," I asked as softly as possible. I crouched down in front of the kid and he removed his hands from his face. His brown eyes were still overflowing with tears. His lips quivered as he looked down at me.

"My dad. His name was Craig."

"F-ck. Craig Langley? You're his kid?"

"Yeah." The kid broke down in tears again and I stood up straight. How could I not have noticed? He looked just like f-cking Craig. I put my hands on top of my head and tried to gather my thoughts. Craig was our main drug packager. He had a simple, easy job and he hardly ever had to encounter violence. All he did was pack sh-t out to nice enough quantities and handed them to the dealers to sell, so who the hell would kill him and why? He was as innocent as it got in the Family. He was just a single father trying to make ends meet for him and his son.

I let out a deep breath and began pacing. "Where is he now? Where is his...body?"

"It's home. He always told me if anything happened to him to never call authorities. He told me to come to this address or to one of the clubhouses. I decided to come here since it was a shorter walk and-"

"You walked here in blood stained clothes?!"

"I'm sorry, I just-"

"It's fine, kid. It's just you could've got into big trouble. I tell you what. We're going to go check up on your father and we're going to find out who did this. In the meantime, I need you to stay here. Take a shower. I'll get you some fresh clothes. Craig told me he didn't have any family but you. You can stay here for a while and we'll figure things out soon. I promise. What's your name?"


"I'm Andy."

I escorted Kris to a guest room, gave him some fresh clothes and my phone number. It kind of wasn't wise to leave him alone but no one wanted to stay behind with him. Even Delaney wanted to go, I wasn't sure how I felt about that. Kris kept saying his dad was really messed up. I'm not sure if she was ready to see a really f-cked up dead body, but I guess she had to get accustomed to it. Especially if she wanted to be a doctor for the Family.

"Damn, that kid is f-cked up," Leo said on the car ride to Craig's place.

"He just found his father laying in a pool of blood and he has no other family. Wouldn't you be f-cked up too," Lin asked. She was at the steering wheel of the Range Rover. Leo sat on the passenger side yapping, while it was dead silent in the back with Delaney, Rafael and I.

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