Chapter Thirteen

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Morning came and small grunts woke me up from my intoxicating sleep. A grumble came from my lips and I covered my face with my hands. I took a few breaths before forcing myself to grab my phone and look at the time. It was 1 PM, but I could still go back to sleep from how tired I was. Last night was long and eventful and it left me drained. One person it didn't leave drain, obviously was Andy. I kept hearing her grunt.

Placing my phone on the nightstand, I looked down on the floor at my bedside. Andy was down there doing push-ups effortlessly. Her hair was sprawled out all over the place. I ended up giggling not only at her hairdo but her randomness. Who the hell gets up and starts doing pushups willingly? I could never. The first thing I think about when I wake up is food and what's trending on Twitter.

"You have a nice butt," I complimented Andy with my eyes still half-closed. I never paid much attention to her backside but it wasn't that bad. It was cute and plump.

"Is that why you were feeling on it last night," she asked me with a hint of a laugh. I chewed on my bottom lip as I watched her back and arm muscles restrict every time she went down and back up. Andy was pretty fit. I guess she had to be. Gun fights, fighting in general and always being on the move caused for some extracurricular exercise. "You couldn't keep your hands off of me."

"Excuse me? Last night, you were the one who had your hands places they shouldn't have been," I quickly pointed out before she could tell anymore lies. Last night, Andy was the one feeling on my butt and anything else that she could grab. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, she was really touchy.

"You liked it," she decided to give in with a deep breath.

I swung my legs off the edge of the bed and jumped onto my feet. "What are you even doing? Who does push-ups as soon as they wake up?"

"I like to do 100 push-ups every morning when I wake up. Sometimes I forget, but I still like to do them. It gets me pumped for the rest of the day," she told me as she tried to manage her breaths.

"What number are you on," I asked curiously. I began stretching and I rubbed my eyes to help me wake up more.

"73. 74. Ow!"

I couldn't resist it. I had smacked her ass and her reaction had me cracking up. She was so dramatic. She stopped doing push-ups and jumped to her feet swiftly. She suddenly grabbed my hips and pushed me down on the bed. I fell back on it and giggled as she stared at me as if nothing was funny. "Get off of me, sweaty," I complained.

"Make me, doc," she told me as she struck up a brow.

Before I could do or say anything, a vibration came from my dresser across the room. Andy rolled her eyes and got off of me to jog over and grab it. I sat up as she answered it. The conversation lasted a little longer than I expected so I hopped in the shower during it. Once I got out and ready, she was still on the phone looking as annoyed as ever. She was sitting on my bed with her hand over her eyes. I surprised her by sitting on her lap. Her arms instantly wrapped around me and she kissed my shoulder.

"Yeah, man. That sounds good. Pleasure doing business with you. Let's get a drink sometime. Yeah, alright. Bye." Andy hung up the phone and let out a huge sigh.

"What was that about?"

"Nothing, just negotiated a gun deal with the Mexicans. Macho is a hard one. He always has to get more from the deal, but I think we broke halfway this time," Andy said proudly. "You smell so good," she told me before kissing my neck. She then buried her nose into my neck and chuckled.

I laughed at how adorable she was. "Why don't you get a shower and we can go eat? My treat."

"Sounds good, baby girl."

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