Chapter Nine

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Before we walked into the safe house, I could hear chattering from the inside. Andy took my hand and looked back at me before she reached for the door knob. Her face was set in stone in a serious manner but her eyes were soft. "You sure you want to go in? It might get ugly," she warned. It was clear that she was a ticking time bomb that was ready to go off. She loved her crew too much for them to be killing each other.

"I'm a bad b-tch. No one can kill me," I joked lightheartedly as I squeezed her hand. She chuckled and surprised me with a kiss on the forehead.

"Alright, let's go, darlin'." If anything I should've felt nervous at the moment but I wasn't. I was with Andy and she made me feel invisible. She wasn't timid about anything so neither was I. I knew I was in good hands.

On the outside, the safe house looked like any other mansion. A collection of cars were parked throughout the yard, and along the street which made it stand out. The yard was well kept and the blinds were closed shut. If the house wasn't in the middle of a gang heavy neighborhood, most people would think it was a regular millionaire's home.

When we walked into the house, everything suddenly got quiet. I walked in behind Andy and looked around to see a bunch of people eyeballing me. Most of them looked anxious, some were confused and others just appeared annoyed. Legs were shaking, eyebrows were lifted and arms were crossed.

Beer cans, food wrappers, cigarettes and clothes were sprawled over the nice, high class wooden floors. There were some guys trying to pick up the trash but they stopped when they saw Andy. A clear path was made for us. Leading up to where Leo, Lin, and a handsome guy were standing. I remembered the guy from the wild, drunken picture of all four of them at Andy's place.

When Leo saw us, she whispered something in his ear and he rolled his eyes before laughing. I wanted to punch Leo in her f-cking face. She was so aggravating. Lin who was standing beside Leo elbowed her to knock off her joking. In response, Leo smacked Lin on the back of her head.

As we walked closer to the three, I noticed that there was a bar. Some guys were unbothered by Andy's presence as they drank. A lady was across from them cleaning a glass. Her eyes were focused on Andy, and for a few moments they locked eyes. She seemed upset as Andy looked away. I didn't know what was going on, but she better keep her hands off of Andy. She wasn't mine but I would still choke a b-tch out for her.

Andy slowly let go of my hand as we approached her friends. Lin waved, the guy candidly nodded while Leo laughed. What the hell was so f-cking funny? I rolled my eyes at her and she smirked. "Fuego," she commented.

"Cabrón," I responded back harshly.

Andy stepped in front of us as I reluctantly found my place beside the guy, who seemed to find my name calling funny. "Listen up," Andy's voice suddenly boomed. It initially startled me and I saw a couple others jump too. She was loud, and her voice carried. Her tone was clear, aggressive and potent. When she spoke, everyone listened. "What happened last night was f-cking ridiculous. When I got the call this morning, I was f-cking disgusted. How are we going to be the supreme leaders if we're killing off each other?"

"Do you know what would happen if other gangs found out about this? We'd look like an easy and weak f-cking target. We'd look like dumbasses. We're killing off each other after a few drinks. What the f-ck has gotten into you all? Five f-cking bodies. What are we going to tell their families? Who's going to be tough enough to stand face to face and tell someone that their loved one died by the own hands of their own gang?" Andy paused to glower over the crowd of gang members.

Everyone fixated their attention on her even the ones who weren't enjoying her speech. I could tell the crew was divided partially. A lot of people looked at Andy with respect but it was a select few that I knew envied her. It was sad when people of your own gang didn't want you to succeed. I wasn't sure what Andy's rank was in her gang, but she deserved something high. She was a leader. Despite the few bad seeds, most looked at her as if she was a goddess spreading news on how to get to paradise.

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