Chapter Fifty-One

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Nothing but silence filled the air of my office. I could barely breathe and I had no idea what to say. I don't think anyone did, not after what Delaney had just told us. She was standing there with red eyes and tear stained cheeks. She hadn't cried in front of me so far but I knew she most likely cried on the ride over to the clubhouse. I wanted so bad to hold her and tell her everything would be okay. But I didn't know what she wanted. Was it me or her family?

F-ck, how could a man be so stupid? This was all her father's fault. We could easily share time with Delaney. I had no problem with the time she spent with her family. I wasn't possessive, and I had no problems with her family. Her father didn't have to go off ordering people to kill my friends just because he eventually wanted Delaney all to himself. He was f-cking mental.

My close friends and Eva stood there in my office looking from Delaney then back to me. The tension was thick. Delaney told us assumedly everything but she didn't say what she wanted to do. Was she going to stay with me or leave with her family? It worried me. I wanted her to stay here with me. Rather I killed her father or not, all I wanted was her. I needed justice for my friends, of course. Luis needed to die either way but I could forgive her father if it meant that she stayed with me. Unfortunately, it seemed like her father was set on one of us dying. Me or him.

"So, what do we do," Leo finally broke the silence. She stepped forward in front of the rest of my friends and looked from Delaney to me. "I mean, someone has to pay for this. They killed Craig and Mario. Gruesomely. They deserve the same death if you ask me."

"Who do you mean by 'they'," Delaney quickly snapped. "My father shot out the orders and Luis did the killing. If you want to kill Luis then fine, but you're not touching a hair on my father until he actually comes for one of your lives."

"You're defending that psychotic f-ck? He's jealous of your girlfriend. The guy is a f-cking sicko. You've known Andy longer than you've known him," Leo argued back with Delaney.

"I'm not defending what he did! This is just a lot right now and the last thing I want to think about is my father dying over something as stupid as this."

"Well, your father is the stupid one. He brought this upon himself. He ordered to have two of our friends killed. Two members of our Family. He deserves a death just as equal as Luis's. If someone ordered two of your friends to be killed, wouldn't you be just as mad at the person who put out the orders than the killer? Put your feet in our f-cking shoes right now. You're being selfish."

"How the f-ck am I being selfish?!"

"Can both you stop arguing," I yelled at both Leo and Delaney. Arguing wasn't going to make things any better. The last thing we needed was to turn our backs on each other. Delaney rolled her eyes and crossed her arms and Leo stepped back and blew her breath.

"Delaney, I love you. You know I'd do anything for you. I want to be with you. But I have to ask, to make sure we're on the same page, what do you want? Do you want your family or do you want me? I'd never ask you to choose but we have no choice with your father's ultimatum. I wish we could all be happy together but that's not the case. If you choose me, your father is going to die. If he tries to kill me, he won't succeed. You know that and if you can't talk any sense into him then I don't f-cking know what to do other than to kill him in protection of myself."

Delaney bit her lower lip and put one of her hands up to her forehead. I knew this was stressing her out. I was stressed too. This was a tough predicament. "This is hard for me. Very f-cking hard. But I do love you. I want to be with you. In a way, Leo's sort of right. Something's not all there with him. If he really loved me, he'd be willing to share my time and he wouldn't go to extremes to kill you. Do what you have to do. I choose you. All I ask is to leave Camilo and my mother out of it. I'm pretty sure my mother is clueless while Camilo truly stands by our side. I can convince him to leave my father's side."

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