"Come out, come out wherever you are," I called out as I stepped out of my room. Stopping in my tracks, I looked from left to right before taking a deep breath. The house was dead quiet and Delaney had left no tracks of which way she went. After taking a shower, she suggested that we play hide and seek. I thought she was just kidding around until she ran out of the room with a towel wrapped around her. Even then I thought it was a cute little joke, so I proceeded to get dressed. Once I ready, I realized she was being 100% serious about playing such a childish game. So, now I was off to fine her nearly thirty f-cking minutes later.
The thing was my home was a little larger than most homes, especially for someone living by themselves. There were some rooms I hadn't been in for months. Most of the rooms, Delaney had never been in herself. There was no telling where she was hiding and there were so many places to look. It was kind of overwhelming. I had no idea where to start. She could be upstairs, downstairs, in the backyard or knowing her she probably ventured off in nothing but a towel around the damn neighborhood.
My phone vibrated and I knew before looking at it that it was from my crazy ass girlfriend.
You'll never catch me. Muhahahaha! Wait...you are looking...right!? – Delaney, 11:14 AM
Oh, I'll catch you...by the way can I have a hint?? – Andy, 11:14 AM
Let me think about that...NO. – Delaney, 11:15 AM
I blew my lips and put my phone back into my pocket. Looks like she was going to do this the hard way. Now if I was Delaney where the hell would I run off to? Would I go to a place that I was familiar with or into a random ass room I've never been in before? With her nosiness and random spontaneous nature, she probably just walked into a room that she never went into before or maybe that was too easy. Maybe she was somewhere noticeable because she knew I wouldn't look at obvious places first.
I began searching high and low. Within minutes, the search became annoying. She was nowhere we to be found and I was checking all the perfect hiding spots from upstairs to downstairs. I checked closets, under surfaces, behind curtains and even looked inside the kitchen f-cking cabinets but she was nowhere. It was almost like she had disappeared within thin air. The only other place I knew to look was outside.
With a final attempt to find Delaney, I walked outside and put my hands on my hips as I scanned the backyard. Though I didn't see her at first glance, I did hear giggles and they were coming from behind me. I turned around quickly to see Delaney with her back against the house. Clever. I never thought to look behind me but there she was laughing her ass off.
"I was going to let you look around out here and look stupid but we've literally been playing for an hour. You suck at hide and seek!" I crossed my arms with a flat expression my face. Delaney giggled again as she stared at me adoringly. "Oh, are you mad because you couldn't find me? Did you think I went missing?" I didn't say anything but instead looking away from her. "Aw, poor little Andy is mad because she sucks at hide and seek?" She pinched my cheeks to get a reaction of me. Even though I wanted to laugh, I pushed her hand away. "Ooo, someone's mad."
Delaney paused and tried to hide a mischievous smirk that was forming on her face. "I tell you what. Close your eyes. Count to ten, I'll hide and this time I'll make it easier for you to find me, deal?"
"I don't want to play again. That last round took forever," I told her with annoyance.
"Just close your eyes. How far can I go in ten seconds, silly? Close your eyes and start counting. Slowly. Don't cheat."
Before I could fully close my eyes, Delaney began backing away from me. If she wanted to play another round then whatever. I'm sure I would find her this time since it was only ten seconds. When I opened my eyes, I sighed. Delaney was nowhere in sight. This time I made sure to look behind me just in case she was playing a trick. When I did look behind me, my heart began racing for more reason than one.

A1: The Don (GirlxGirl)
Storie d'amoreAndrea "Andy" De Palma was raised around a gang in which her father organized himself. Italian pride, selling drugs and harming others that stepped in her way was the most she knew. She wanted to be just as notorious as her father. She wanted money...