Chapter Thirty-Two

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"You should meet my parents."

I nearly choked on my eggs and I dropped my fork on the plate. A loud clang echoed through the kitchen. My head began pounding from the sound. I groaned and put my hands on my head. Since the concussion, I was sensitive to headaches. Shawn said I'd get over them or have to learn how to live with them, but he gave me pain medication to keep me balanced.

"Or not," Delaney said before taking a bite of her toast. I thought she was going to drop it right there, but of course she didn't. When she got finished swallowing her food, she opened her mouth again. "I just think it's the best time for you to meet them. You have a lot of free time right now and they're always asking me if I'm seeing anyone. I want them to meet you. Maybe we can stay there for a couple of days and you can get to know them."

I had been back at my place for three days. It was nothing but peaceful. Delaney stayed over and all we did was joke around, play video games and watch Netflix. I've gotten so accustomed to the lazy life that I wanted the rest of my break to go as easy. But now, Delaney wanted me to meet her parents. Not only was that time consuming, but it was also stressful. I was the type of person that you never brought home to your parents. My lifestyle was just too dangerous and I knew her parents wouldn't approve of me unless I lied about nearly every detail about myself.

I remained quiet, hoping that Delaney would move on to another subject or talk herself out of her foolish idea. "Actually, I told them I was seeing someone last night over the phone. They want to meet you and I want you to meet them. I know I may talk sh-t about them sometimes but they're really not that bad."

I continued being mute and picked up my fork. As I played with my scrambled eggs, I made sure not to look up at Delaney. I knew she was staring at me. I could feel her eyes piercing into my face. "Babe, come on! I met your parents. Why don't you want to meet mine?"

Realizing silence wasn't going to get me out of this predicament, I finally spoke up with a shrug of my shoulders, "I don't know. It's different, darlin'. My parents are way more laid back. They're not strict on who I date. They just talk a lot of sh-t if they don't like them. Your parents, on the other hand, they're doctors. They're civil f-cking people. I'm not used to normal people like that. And I know they're not used to people like me. Do you really think they'll be okay with my tattoos? How do you think they'll react when they find out I'm in a gang?"

"They don't need to know all of that. They don't care about a few tattoos. If they ask what you do for a living, I'm not asking you to lie but be vague. Just tell them you have your own business and leave it at that. I just want you to meet them. I haven't seen them in a while, so I was thinking we should stay over a night or two. Or if that's too much for you then we won't. As long as you meet them then fine."

"You miss your parents so let's go see them, darlin'. As long as you want," I gave in. Rafael, Leo and Lin were going to get a kick out of this when I told them I was meeting Delaney's parents in the group chat. I only met one of my ex's parents and that was my fiancée and that ended in a complete disaster.

"I knew you would give in! I got you wrapped right around my finger," Delaney exclaimed as she did a cute dance in her chair. She took another bite from her toast as I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, keep thinking that."


Delaney was originally from San Francisco. It's where she spent most of her childhood and where most of her family and closest friends lived. Getting to San Francisco from Santa Monica was nearly a six hour drive and though, I told Delaney I could pull some strings and get us a private jet there, she insisted that she drove. I was all down for a road trip, especially since I wasn't the one driving.

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