Guilty Feelings

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                                 3:47 am

"Yeah, Thirst, I'ma have to reschedule that event for next Thursday... Yeah. I know... Look, she's hurt, OK? OK... Thursday, 9:30? A.m.? OK, I'll be there. Yeah.... Aight." Lucious whispered into his phone, then ended the call as he watched her as she slept, sitting in a chair next to her bed, a pained expression on his face. He couldn't help but feel it was all his fault, and he felt terrible. Once she came to, in the car, she'd asked him what happened, then 18 seconds later, passed out again. He damn near died himself, but after a FaceTime with his doctor, who was overseas with his only other patient, it was clarified that the bruises would be gone within the next week, and she'd be up the next day. He ran his fingers through his growing hair, and sighed. Yeah, he was happy they'd gotten rid of 2 of the ever growing problems in their lives, but the fact that he had put her, and his cub's life in danger, was eating him alive... He looked down at her again, and smiled on the inside as he pulled down her comforter, and rubbed on her, their, baby bump. He added his second hand, then kneeled down, and laid his head softly on her stomach. "Don't worry, baby boy... Daddy's gonna take good care of you, I promise. I'll do my best..." She'd started to shift in her sleep, and as he stood up, her eyes crept open, and she gasped as she looked over and saw him. "Lucious! I thought we had this conversation already... You cannot watch me when I sleep! It's just unsettling, and... and creepy as hell!" He allowed a small smile, and scratched his head as he sat back in the chair. "Why aren't you in the bed? What's wrong?" She asked, sitting up. He scooted the chair closer, and took her hand. "You see- Well..., it's- Baby, I'm so sorry... I can't even begin to tell you-" "Lucious, what do you mean?" "Come on, now..." He said, making her flinch as he lightly touched her neck. "It wasn't your fault baby... It coulda happened to anyone!" He shook his head and turned away. "But, I could have prevented it though... Shit, I coulda just went in there myself and popped his ass!" "Yeah..." She said, nodding and grabbed his face, turning him towards her. "But it wouldn't have made that moment have a punchline, right?" She said, smirking. He had to laugh then. Even with all the bruises, and having been unconscious for hours on end, she still managed to look on the bright side, reason infinity why he loved her. "Now, come back to bed, it's too late for all this sad, sappy shit... Boy, I swear, you know you light skin! Maybe I need another darkski-" "Don't play wit me, Cookie..." He warned. She smiled as she moved over and he climbed onto the bed, kicking off his shoes. After about 2 minutes of silence, out of nowhere "Is it bad that I'm horny right now?" He laughed out loud, and began, "There's never a bad time for hornyness, ya know..." He said, as she faced him and planted a kiss on his lips. "But girl, I can already tell, ya hormones are gonna be the best thing that ever happened to me!".............

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