The Faces Of The Scarred

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Lucious turned back to Cookie, smirking. "You knew they were coming?" He said, pulling on a white T and grey sweats. "No, but I reckon we'll find out why. Cuz last time I checked, Mal still hated us!" She said, sliding on some golden silk pajama bottoms, and a black spaghetti top. "Damn... I'm lovin dem bottoms!" He said, grabbing her ass, and shaking it within the palm of his hand. "Quit boy, we got business to take care of!" She said, swatting his hand away. "Fine, fine. Got one more thing to say before we go though." He said, handing her a Scrunchie as she was piling her hair up in a messy bun. "What's that?" He grinned and whispered in her ear right before they walked out. "Your nipples go great with that shirt...." She gasped and elbowed him in the ribs, as they walked into the living room. "-and if they're together, I think I'm gonna go blind!" Jamal finished, as his parents walked in. "Really disgusting, you guys..."Andre said as he still stood, spraying the Frebreze. "You think that's bad?! You wouldn't wanna be alive on some of the times I walked in on them this past month. Man..." Keem said, shuttering at the memory. "Yeaaah... you told me about sum of em! Nasties." Tormentó said, chuckling at the thought. "That's nothing compared to what I went through as a kid! They were waaaaaayyyy worse then this!" Dre added, putting in his two-cents. "I didn't know y'all were coming, and stop using up all my damn SPRAY!" Cookie said, yanking the bottle from Andre, who flinched as he handed it over. "I didn't... I didn't think you wanted to see me, not yet anyway, what, with the whole "breaking news" or whatever..." Cookie finally said to Jamal, sitting down on Lucious's lap, on her half sofa. Jamal nodded, cleared his throat, and began. "I didn't at first, but then I realized that I had gotten out of line too, and Ma, after all you did for me, I shouldn't have did that. I was angry at Dad, and now that I've calmed down, I've realized something." "Oh yeah?" Lucious said, shifting around so Cookie could be more comfortable. "Yeah. I realized that, if you make Mom happy, then no matter what I say, I can't make you wrong in her eyes. You two were made for each other, and no one else can come between that. EVER." Jamal finished. Cookie stood, Lucious standing with her, as she rushed over to Mal, smiling brightly as she embraced him. "Ow! Damn ma, watch ya lil bump there!" Jamal said, laughing as she pulled away. "Ma, I'm not tryna ruin the moment, but could you put on another shirt or a bra? Ya nipples are showing..."..............

I know, short chapter! 😩😩... but I got sum shit coming up for you guys, just cuz I love you😘😘... But that's all for now! Adios, amigos......

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