Laz sped down the streets of New York, leaving tire marks up and down them as he sloppily parked halfway on the curb. "Stay here, OK?Cardi, Laz , Ima need you two to keep watch, I don't know if it's a good idea to go in there..." T said. Lucious hopped out as soon as the car stopped and opened the door, hurriedly helping Cookie out of the car. He opened Anika's gate and ran up the stairs, where he started banging on the door. "ANIKA! OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" He banged and banged, and still no answer. "This is some bullshi-" There was the sound of glass breaking, then Amir started screaming. "Fuck no! Everybody move back!" Lucious yelled. He pulled out his gun and shot the lock, twice. Kicking the door open, everyone ran in the house, searching all rooms with guns drawn. "Anika, calm down, just give us the baby!" Cookie's ears heard Dre's voice plead, Amir still crying as she walked down the hallway closest to the basement. "Lucious!" She whispered loudly. He looked up from the closet he was rummaging through. She gestured to the basement door. "No! He's mine!" They heard Anika's voice say. "We following you, Dad.." Tormentó said quietly behind everyone. "All I wanted was to be happy..." Anika said as the group tiptoed down the basement steps. "I was happy for a while, until your mother had to come and mess everything up. She slept with your father, right after we got engaged. She tormented me from the day she got out, and turned every last one of you against me... So what makes you think you deserve to even look at my son?" "Hey that's my son too, now Anika..." Hakeem said, his voice turning angry. "Oh please, Hakeem." "Please what?" "Yes... I think we ALL would like to know, Anika." Lucious said, making Anika jump. She whipped around, then backed into the opposite direction. "He knows damn well Amir's not his..." Everyone froze, and for a second, it was silence. Even Amir's crying seemed to have stopped. "Are-are you s-serious?" Hakeem asked, tears pooling in his eyes. "As a heart attack.." Anika replied, bouncing her son in her arms. "Look Anika..." Cookie started. "You're ill. You can't have a baby in this condition, even if he is yours, so just-" "Oh, you would love that wouldn't you, bitch? You took my man, my life, and now you wanna take my baby? Well, it's not gonna happen, cuz if I can't have my baby.." Anika said, pulling out a silver Glock. "Neither can you!" BANG! BANG! Lucious moved with a quickness, jumping in front of his love's body, thankfully catching both bullets. "Lucious!" Cookie said, dropping down with him. "Ha!" Anika said, laugh mechanically. I had a feeling you were gonna do that. But as for my son, well, same goes for him..." She said, placing the gun to his small head. "NOOOOO!!!" Andre and Keem screamed at the same time, rushing towards her. BANG! 2 guns sounded off at the same time... Jamal let out a shaky breath as he let the gun fall to his side. "Lucious baby, keep your eyes open for me! Don't close them, stay woke baby, help is on the way..." She said, tears streaming down her face as she looked at Tormentó hopefully, who gave a thumbs up, while still on the phone, giving the info to the ambulance, indicating that help was on the way. Keem fell to the ground, cursing and crying, holding the small cold infant body to him. Andre took his brother in for a bear hug, Keem still bawling his eyes out. Cookie couldn't see or hear anything else. She didn't hear Tormentó and Jamal rambling on to the ambulance as they got set up, nor did she hear Keem screaming to God. All she did focus on was Lucious's eyes starting to droop, and his breathing getting slower and slower, until finally... It stopped. "No. No. LUCIOUS PLEASE!" She screamed, clinging to him. "Ma'am, we need to get to the body..." Cookie sniffled and nodded as she wiped her eyes. All those memories came back to her.
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