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Cookie rolled her eyes as her driver pulled up to her building. She had just shot off another text to Lucious, who hadn't been responding to anyone all day, and she was starting to get mad. "We're here, Ms. Lyon..." Jerome said, turning off the car. Cookie sighed, and ran her hands through her hair. "Uh, thank you Jerome..." She said as he helped her out of the car, and handed her purse to her. "I don't need anything else so... I guess have a good night!" She said, waving as she walked to her building door. As she got to the door, by the mailboxes, she saw her box had something sticking out of it, just a bit so only she would notice it. She found her key and opened the mailbox, to a medium Manila folder. "What the hell?" She whispered as she posted outside the door, and tore open the folder. She unfolded the papers inside, and as she read, she began to blink rapidly, unsure what she was seeing was actually true. "Finalized? But when did....? Aw hell naw, he gon answer today!" She said, folding the papers back up as she whipped out her phone and called 3 more times, but to no avail. "OK... This got to be a fucking prank, Cookie! That's all..." She said to herself as she opened the door to the building. She placed her phone back into her purse, continuously reading the papers as she rode the elevator. "Is this real?" She said. No one could answer just yet though... The elevator dinged, and she landed on her floor, finally bringing the paper down from her face. A dim light was all that was cast along the halls, and as she rushed toward her door, a familiar voice said, "I got it..." She nearly jumped out of her skin. "Lucious? Wh-What the hell?! What you out here lurking in the shadows for? And WHERE the hell where you all today?!?! Had me calling you and you didn't even pick up! We had to-" He grabbed her waist, and pulled her in for a deep kiss, and there were no more words. When he finally let her come up for air, he had to stable her again, cuz she wobbled the second he let her go. "Um-you....OK..." He smiled and nodded as he turned to unlock her door. "No, but seriously Lucious. Where were you today? You had me worried sick and... And I got your papers in the mail today!" She said, reaching in her purse to show the papers as they walked in her dark apartment. "Is... Is this real?" "If they weren't, why would I have them specially sent here?" Lucious said, walking further into the living room. "But that still doesn't explain why all today you were-" "Hit it!" A very well manicured hand turned up the lights in Cookie's living room. Every piece of furniture, table, and picture was removed from her living room. In its place, stood her huge lamp, a grand piano, and a beat machine. The hand moved away from the light, and brushed some of the gorgeous blonde hair out of her eyes, and another person leaned against the piano."Lucious..." She said, smiling hard. "Is that who I think it is? Am I seeing this right?" She said, taking a deep breath. "It appears that way, Ms. Lyon..." The husky, yet beautiful voice replied. "Let's get it, BB!" Drake said to Bey as they got in place. A lanky black man started up on the piano, and Beyoncé cracked her neck as Drake waved at Cookie with a huge grin on his face. "Yo, this is from him..." Drake said, gesturing to Lucious. "To you...." He said, pointing to Cookie as he winked. And the night started.....

Do you wanna roll wit a good girl?
Do it big, do it all for a good girl?
One time , dis is a song for a good girl..
Don't sleep when you know
You gotta good girl
One time, dis is a song for the good girls
Wanna roll, wanna roll
With a good girl, One time
This is a song for the good girl
And I still keep it hood, still treat you like
I should, What's up?

BB started off soft, and came in with a vengeance.

On my mind, up past my bedtime
No rest in the kingdom
Alone in my place, my heart is away
And all that I can think of is....

She turned to Cookie, who was slowly moving to the music, and smirked. "We should get married, we should get married..." Lucious offered his hand to Cookie, who shyly took it, and he pulled her in, swaying them back and forward. Let's stop holding back on this and let's get carried away... "Lucious, I can't believe you did this! This is amazing..." "Yeah, but not as amazing as you are.... You know somethin, baby?" She looked from the performance, up into his eyes. "What?" "No matter what happens, no matter what's going on, we always manage to find ourselves together again. That's crazy right?" "I guess you could say that, yea..." Cookie said slowly as he tightened his hold on her. "Yeah, well, when you first went to prison, I thought I would die without you. As time went on, money and fame hardened me, and I thought I had everything. And just as soon as you got out, everything changed. The feelings came back, and I realized that I was nothing without you... I know I've made plenty mistakes in the past, but, baby, I wanna let you know, I'll spent my whole life fixing it, if it means I'll fix em with you..." *Both* I just wanna say you're mine, you're mine. I just wanna say you're mine, you're mine. Fuck what you heard, you're mine, you're mine. *Bey* Long as you know who you belong tooooo.... Lucious bent down on one knee, as the song came to an end. "Loretha "Cookie" Lyon... You got my heart and soul, and pretty soon, you gon be having ANOTHER one of my cubs." He said, making her chuckle. "Life, is not life without you. And I love you too much for anyone else to hold my name forever... So?" He said, pulling out a small black velvet box. "What do you say? For the 2nd, no, 3rd time around... Will you marry me?" Cookie breathed in as he opened the box. Her eyes glazed over, and, not trusting her voice, she nodded rapidly, as the waterworks started up. "Is that a yes? It's a yes?!!!" "Yes!" She finally said, her voice cracking as he grabbed her hand and slipped on the ring.

He raised up onto his feet, tears in his eyes, as he repeatedly pecked her lips, then finally slipped his tongue in her mouth, and for a second, it was just them

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

He raised up onto his feet, tears in his eyes, as he repeatedly pecked her lips, then finally slipped his tongue in her mouth, and for a second, it was just them. As they broke apart, Lucious grinned hard. "You just don't KNOW HOW long I've been waiting to do that!"........

Never Let IT DieOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz