Its Official...

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                                      5:55 pm

"Well, it's official..." The doctor said after running 5 tests. Cookie looked at him, mouth agape, as Lucious asked nervously, "W-What's official?" The doctor looked at the folders, nodded, and turned to Cookie. "Ms. Lyon, it appears you are 2 and a half weeks pregnant... Congrats, you two!" He said as him and Lucious shook hands, and he pulled him in for a bear hug. "Thanks so much, Doc!" He said, cheesing hella hard. He pulled out a wad of cash from his pocket, took out $1000, and handed to the doctor. "No, Lucious, I can't take all of this..." "Nah, I insist... Here take it, you deserve it, man!" Lucious said, pushing it in his hands. "Ok, ok. Well, have a good day... By next week, I'll ship the prenatal vitamins over here, and he'll give them to you... Good bye!" The doctor said, walking out the door. "Wow..." Cookie sais, sighing. "This so crazy, my God! Who woulda thought that-" She stopped abruptly as Leah walked slowly down the stairs. "I thought that was you, Cookie! I see you finally came to your senses, Dwight..." She said as Lucious chuckled and went into the kitchen. "You know, when you walked out of that wedding, he couldn't take life anymore... He'd go to work, just hoping to see you, and when he didn't he would come home, drink and cry, and just sit around. I tried to help him, but... It's you, Cookie, you make him strong..." "What you in here putting in her head, Ma?" Lucious said, as he handed Cookie a water bottle and his mother a class of chocolate milk. "Innocent conversation, Dwight, is all." His mother said, sipping her milk. There was an awkward silence as everyone got wrapped up in their thoughts, and then, out of no where, Leah began, "So, how far along is she?" Cookie's head snapped up and Lucious ran his hand in his hair. "How- How did you know?" Leah smiled sneakily and said "Well, first, you just told me, and second, these walls aren't as thick as you think..." They pondered that for a minute, and Cookie gasped and got it faster then Lucious. "OH... Oh my God..." "Yeah, OK, that's my cue, baby, you want me to call my driver?" Lucious said, laughing on the inside. "Yeah, go head, I guess..." She said as she took a gulp from her bottle. "Dwight..." His mother said quietly. "Yes?" He said, finishing his text to his driver, and sitting down next to her as Cookie went into the kitchen to finish off all his grapes. "You got another chance at love here, son. Don't ruin it..." He kissed his mother on the cheek, stood and looked towards the kitchen, where the woman that would be having his baby in 8 in and half months sat. "Don't worry, I wouldn't dare...".........

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