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                            5 days later

"Oh my God, leave me alone!" Cookie said, laughing as she ran in her kitchen, to escape Lucious. He had started working out more, because "he had to be fit for his boys", and you could already see the imprint of a six pack coming in. "I swear Lucious, touch me and I'm pressing charges..." "Well, damn, I can't get a kiss?" He said, slowing down as they came around her table. "You know damn well why... When you apologize to Mal, you can have WHATEVER you want." He rolled his eyes, and released an extra surge of speed, making her squeal as he caught her just by an inch, but before she could get out of his grasp, he grabbed her shoulders and turned her his way. "Didn't think I would catch you, huh? You mine now..." He said, kissing all over her neck, and jawline. "Lucious, stooop! I'm not playing wit you..." She said, none of her words having an effect on him as he continued to shower her with kisses. She tried to push him off, but to no avail as he grabbed both her wrists, and leaned them back onto the table. "Lucious..." She whimpered out, her panties becoming more and more drenched by the second. He finally captured her lips, loosening his grip on her wrists, and she took that as her chance to slip out from under him, and made a beeline for her room, him catching her right outside the door, as he cornered her, picked her up, and kicked her door open, starting back up on his neck work as she squirmed in his arms. He growled and slapped her ass, and she IMMEDIATELY settled, for she knew what she was in for. But hey, if she could stop it, she would... "Luuucious... Why are you doing this? I just told you-" She was cut off as he placed her on the bed, meeting her lips with his, then breaking the kiss only as he ripped off his grey T-shirt he was sporting, and started unbuttoning his pants as she pulled off the wife beater she was wearing, and slowly slid off her PINK shorts. "Lucious, y-you know that you're on punishment, right?" She nervously threw out as he started to rub on her thighs. She made her way to the top of the bed, but he shook his head "no" and pulled her, by her calfs, to the middle of the bed, and as he nibbled on her neck, he ever so gently, pulled down the purple panties she had on. She tried to keep them on, reminding him once again, that he was on punishment. He slipped them off of her legs, and slipped his tongue in her mouth as he got on top of her. "Lucious, If you do this...I-Ima have to-" "What?" He said, looking straight into her orbs with lust-filled eyes. "Whatchu gon do? Huh?" She swallowed hard and began. "Ima have to-" He pulled the covers over them, stopping at the waist, and slid out of his boxers. "I'm listenin..." "Ima have to add more t-time to ya punishm-" He slammed into her, giving no mercy, as he sucked all over her neck, leaving hickies where ever his mouth landed. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and she arched her back as he sped up, her nails digging into his back and shoulders. "Daddy, please..." She moaned out. The depth of him, plus the speed, was getting to be wayyy too much for her. She felt herself getting weaker and weaker with each stroke as that all to familiar feeling started bubbling in the pit of her stomach. "Please what?" He asked, dipping down between each stroke to peck her lips a few times. She removed one of her hands from his back, and tried to push him back a little bit, her hand on his stomach. The sensations were hitting her hard, wave after wave, and she couldn't control it, whining as he swatted her hand away from his stomach. Her moans were uncontrollable as he grinned down at her, slowing the pace a tiny bit. "Really enjoying this punishment, Cooks..." He whispered in her ear before gently biting down on it. "But you gon take it today, baby......."

"You got everything?" Mal asked Dre as Andre, Tormentó, Hakeem, Amir, and himself walked up the stairs to his mothers apartment. "Yeah, I got it bro." "And I wanna know why we just ain't take the elevator, man!" Keem whined, as he secured his son's car seat for the 258th time that day."Because fool, we got legs and I just felt like walking today!" He teased, smiling as he got up to her door and knocked. "I hope she forgives me... I didn't mean for it to seem like I was popping off on her..." He finished, shaking his head as he knocked again, louder, and still, no answer. "Damn. What the hell is she doing?" He said quietly as he took out his set of keys, and unlocked her door, putting his index finger up to his lips to silence everyone who was walking behind him. They nodded and he began his search for her. "Ma, where you at?" He said, not too long, as Keem had just put Amir to sleep. Tormentó went over to Cookie's fridge, grabbed 3 beers, tossed one to Dre, and offered on to Keem, who denied it, cuz of his son. "Ma?" Mal said, walking towards her guest room and bathroom. All was quiet for a minute, then Dre perked up, his brows furrowed as he sat his beer on the counter, and motioned to Tormentó and Hakeem. "You guys hear that?" He whispered. "Yeah, what IS that?" Tormentó said, tiptoeing around. "Hear what?" Hakeem said, following Tormentó. "Like a banging sound, or whatever. I think it may be coming from Mom's room. Go get Mal, T..." Dre said. T walked into the guest room, where Mal was snooping around, looking at some clothes that had been folded in the drawers. "Dad got a suit like this made, about a week ago..." He said, holding up a pair of pants. "Mal, aye, come here..." T said, throwing the pants back in the drawer, and grabbing him. "Aye man! What do you-" "Shhhhhhh! Listen!" Dre whispered loudly. They found themselves all crowded around Cookie's doorway. Jamal put his ear to the door, and looked back at his siblings, who back with wide eyes. He took a deep breath, and swung open the door. Cookie gasped as Lucious glared at all of them. "OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOOOOOOOOOD!! EW WHAT THE HELL???!!" Hakeem and Tormentó yelled as they backed away, holding one in front of the other. Andre took one look, and in 2 seconds, ran towards the bathroom and threw up in the hallway. Mal covered his eyes and screamed like a little girl. Lucious calmly grabbed a pillow from from a nearby chair, covered himself with it, and closed the door. Andre walked back from the hallway, wiping his mouth. "Ima need a mop, some Pine-Sol, and some Frebreze..." He said, as Mal threw him all the items, and sat next to Keem and Tormentó, and Amir in his car seat, who, surprisingly, hadn't woken up. "I guess he used to dis family already!" Keem said, rubbing his little cheek. Tormentó rubbed her forehead and just sighed."Mmmmmm... Kill the visual, Jesus, kill the visual...".............

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