Chapter 7

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The day after our wedding and the day before our Alpha and Luna crowning, Logan and I looked at our lands and tried to figure out a defense plan with Tank. We knew that the twins need the most security as possible and Tank was trying to pull all the stops.

"What are the three of you doing here right now?" Alpha Hunter asked. Did I fail to mention that it was two in the morning?

"We need to make sure Angela and the twins-" Logan started.

"You all have school tomorrow. Or rather today. Since you three are already awake, how about getting ready?" Alpha Hunter asked. I moaned but nodded.

"Come on," Logan said.


I was dropped off at seven thirty in the morning. Hannah was already waiting for me and she skipped over.

"Hello my sister!" Hannah yelled. I smiled as we linked arms.

"Hello," I said. She bit her lip.

"Jay and I want to join your pack," she blurted. I smiled.

"Good! I need you," I said. She smiled back as we stopped at my locker.

"I heard she was knocked up before she was married."

"So she has bastard children?"

Lacey growled loud enough for all the girls to hear. There were some girls from my pack walking over. No one was going to talk shit about my pups.

"Would you like to say that to my face?" Lacey growled. I felt two girls from my pack walk over.

"Luna? Are they doing something?" one of the girls- Trixie- asked.

"Talking about the future Alphas of Rose Creek like they are unimportant," I said. Trixie and her best friend - Angelica - both growled making the two girls back up. Our parents made Rose Creek the second strongest pack so they knew we were still gaining strength.

"Rethink about you are going to say about our Luna and her pups before we rip your heart out," Angelica said. We all turned and the girls from my pack headed over.

We need to stand united and force them listen to us. We need to protect our future Alphas anyway we can, I mind linked them. All I got were nods.

Logan's P.O.V

I glanced at the lock screen of my phone during English. I saw a beautiful picture of my beautiful mate smiling at me at our wedding.

"Alpha Fen, please put your phone away," the teacher said. Tank growled and Corey shot daggers with his eyes.

"Sorry we have pack problems and as the Alpha it is my duty to protect my pack while dealing with those problems," I said, sweetly.

This was the only side I never wanted Angela to see of me. My aggressive and threatening side. The side that would kill children and women without hesitation with a cloaking of sweetness. She almost saw it when those two alphas threatened her and our pups. Tank, Corey, and Allen knew that side of me. They had seen me kill and knew I didn't do it quickly. I knew if I wasn't careful that Angela would be my next victim or at least brutally injured.


I could tell something was wrong when I picked Angela up. She was silent and rubbing her belly. I didn't want to press. But Charles had a different idea.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Angel shrugged and sighed as we pulled up to our house.

"Nothing. I bought a few baby things for the pups. They are really cute," she said.

"Hopefully no colors," I said, grabbing her backpack.

"Pink. I know it's girls," she said.

"The doctor can't even tell yet so how can you?" I asked, getting upset.

"I just do Logan," she said, upset. I growled.

"I would like to know why you know that you are carrying two girls," I said.

"I can't explain it Logan," she said. I spun and felt my claws grow as I swiped her face. I gasped and Charles whimpered. Angie touched her cheek and stared at me. Her eyes went black as she talked to Lacey.

Lacey? We didn't mean it. Logan has had a really bad day, Charles whimpered. Angie hugged me and I hugged her back. I was only thankful she didn't see me lose complete control as she was my mate. I moved her hair.

"You do that again. I will walk out that door without hesitation," she said. I nodded and just held my mate.

Lacey's P.O.V

Angela and Logan got dressed in really nice human clothes. Logan's suit was sharp and Angie had a black dress on. Charles kept checking the scratch on Angie's face and I told him to stop.

I couldn't tell Angie that she was having identical girl twins. Identical twins always were connected and had the same mate. On top of that, if one got hurt then the other would get hurt as well.

"You look beautiful Luna Angela," Logan said. Angie and I both sighed at his sweetness.

"Thank you Alpha Logan. Shall we be going to our own ceremony?" Angie asked. Logan hugged us and I whimpered.

"It's okay. I will protect our twins and will not hesitate to kill them," Logan said. Charles nodded and pulled us closer.

"Let's get going," Angie said.

Angie's P.O.V

Logan and I stood shoulder to shoulder but not touching. Everyone was watching. Hannah and Jay joined the pack late at night the night before which meant Jay was the rightful Beta now since that was always his job.

I was still shocked Logan had attacked me in our house. I knew Logan was a proponent of war but I thought he would never raise his hand to anyone in our pack. I guess I was wrong. Perhaps there were things that I didn't know about my mate.

"Angela McCain, do you swear to honor and protect the laws and people in the Rose Creek Pack for as long as you are Luna?" Alpha Hunter asked.

"I do," I said.

"Logan Fen, do you swear to honor and protect the laws and forward with two crowns and stood beside Alpha Hunter. Luna Mariam stepped forward and picked up the more girly crown of the two. She placed it on my head and I smiled at her.

"I'm proud of you Luna Angela," she said. I glanced over as Alpha Hunter put the crown on Logan's head. Logan looked emotionless as ever. He was the only child of the Alpha and Luna so he had been training his whole life for it. I had only trained for a Beta's wife.

"Rose Creek, your new Luna and Alpha, Luna Angela and Alpha Logan," Alpha Hunter announced to the pack. Logan took my hand and we turned around. Everyone bowed and I held my head high, trying to mock Logan. Then I saw her.

A woman wearing a black dress. She had dark features and eyes that drew me in. She stared at me and I squeezed Logan's hand. He squeezed back but he didn't know. Corey looked up and followed my eyes. He looked at me confused. The girl shook her head and beckoned me.

"Do you see her?" I asked, louder than I would like. Everyone followed my gaze and gave me the same confused look Corey gave me.

"See who?" Logan asked. I walked towards her and she started walking. I ran after her.

"Angela!" Allen yelled after me. But I kept running. I heard footfalls behind me and I glanced back; Logan, Corey, Allen, and Tank.

"Whoa..." Corey said as we came to a waterfall. We looked up.

"This is the Moon Goddess Cove. All the Warriors come here before battles to pray. But no one can enter the cove," Tank said. I walked towards the waterfall.

"She walked in there," I said, walking towards the waterfall.

"Angie-" Allen said, grabbing my arm. I looked at him and I still felt something for him.

"Let me do this. If I can go in, she might answer questions," I whispered. Allen let go and I walked through the water. 

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