Chapter 30

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Logan had me see the pack doctor the second we arrived back on the reservation. I had a crack in the back of my head and bruises on my face. The pack doctor took at least six x-rays and didn't let me fall asleep. I was so freaking tired.

"Make sure the Luna takes these only when she needs them and don't let her sleep until she gets a baring of herself. Then let her rest a lot before she does any heavy work," the pack doctor said.

"Thanks doc," Logan said, bouncing the girls on his hip. I smiled at the adorable sight as the doctor made me sign a paper.

"You are free to go," the doctor said. I smiled at him as he left the room. Logan let me take Cate so he could put an arm around my waist.

"She's not allowed to go to bed," Logan told Hannah, Jay, Corey, Allen, and Tank as we walked into our house.

"So drop the babies so we can play Tell the Truth or Freeze," Jay said. The boys cheered, I moaned and Hannah gave us a confused look.

"What's that?" Hannah asked.

"You ask a person a question and they have to tell the truth or stand in freezing water for a minute," I said as I laid Cate in the play pin in the living room. Logan laid Lily down and then sat on the floor.

"Sounds fun. Come on," Hannah said, forcing me to sit.

"Neither girl has ever played before so they're up," Jay said. Hannah looked at me.

"Don't ask," I said.

"One crush before you knew you mate," Corey blurted. Logan and Jay growled and Hannah giggled.

"It's fine. I had a crush on this guy named Kern," Hannah said. Jay put an arm around her.

"Your turn Jay," Corey said. Jay and Logan looked at him.

"All of us?" Logan asked. Corey nodded.

"Shasta," Jay said. I stared at him.

"Fine... Izabella," Logan grumped. I nearly choked.

"Izabella?!" I exclaimed. Everyone moved away from me.

"It was before I knew that she was treating you like shit," he explained.

"Good," I said, crossing my arms.

"Angie... You kinda need to tell us," Allen said. I stared at them.

"I never had a crush," I admitted.

"What?" Hannah asked.

"Unless Namjoon from BTS counts, I never had a crush before," I said. Logan smirked.

"How about me?" he tried. I knew he was trying to get me to say I had a crush on him before we mated.

"No." Everyone started laughing as Logan got a blank expression.

"Damn son," Hannah said.

"Hey you three, how about your crushes?" I asked.

"You," all three answered. I glanced at Logan.

"We are mates! We don't count! I had a major crush on you!" Logan exclaimed.

"But you said Izabella," I pointed out.

"Fine... Jay and Angel, best memory of each other," Logan said. I looked at Jay.

"When Ang ran into a door and lost both of her front teeth," Jay said, quickly. I glared at him as Hannah laughed.

"How did that happen?" Hannah asked, laughed.

"He slammed the door on me as I was chasing him," I said. Hannah smacked Jay and I laid on Logan.

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