Chapter 38

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Logan pulled into the valet at the hotel. Allen, Corey, and Tank were behind us and I looked at Jackson.

"Put Pierre in your backpack please," I said. Jackson nodded and started doing as I said.

"We need the stroller but everything else can go in the check in," Logan said. The bellhop took the stroller out and opened it for us.

"Can I walk?" Jackson asked as I unbuckled Cate.

"You have to hold on to Mommie's or Daddie's belt, okay?" I asked. He nodded and unbuckled himself.

"Your siblings are cute," the bellhop said as Logan and I put the girls in the stroller.

"These are our daughters and son," Logan said. The bellhop stared at us and Logan growled.

"You just look so young to have a family," the bellhop said looking at my baby bump.

"Religion. Got a problem with that?" Logan asked. His Alpha tone of voice sent shivers down my back but for the bellhop, it was like a threat.

"Not at all sir," the bellhop said as he pushed the cart away. I buckled the girls in and Jackson held my belt. His backpack was strapped across his chest.

"I'm going to go check in. How about you go to the gift shop and let Jackson look around," Logan said as the other boys walked over.

"Okay. Come on Jackson," I said, starting to walk in. Jackson started making noises and I glanced at him. I chuckled and made my way to the gift shop.

"May I look around?" Jackson asked.

"Yes you may and you may pick one thing to buy okay?" I asked. He nodded and walked towards the toys. Cate started crying so I picked her up and bounced her.

"Mommie? Can I buy you this necklace?" Jackson asked. I looked the necklace he was holding and it was a purple heart gem on a silver chain.

"Here baby," I said giving him twenty dollars. "Go to the nice lady over there."

"I want to buy this for my Mommie!" Jackson yelled to get her attention. The lady looked down and smiled.

"Okay. Where is your Mommie?" the lady asked. Jackson pointed at me and the lady smiled.

"Hi," I said. The lady scanned the necklace and Jackson handed her the twenty dollars.

"What is Jackson getting?" Logan asked, walking up behind me.

"He said that he wanted to buy me a necklace," I said. He smiled.

"Look Daddie! It's for Mommie!" Jackson exclaimed, showing off the necklace. I put Cate back in the stroller.

"It's very beautiful," I said.

"Not as beautiful as you," Logan said. I blushed and Jackson pulled my hand down.

"Here Mommie," Jackson said as he put the necklace in my hand.

"Thank you Jackson. Logan can you give me a hand with this?" I asked. He latched the necklace on my neck and ran his fingers in my spine.

"There you go," Logan said. I shuddered and looked at him.

"Thank you," I said.

"The boys went to get in line for food at the coffee shop. We could go meet them or take a nap," Logan said.

"I'm hungry," Jackson said. I giggled and looked at Logan.

"We can have nap time after lunch," I said. Logan nodded and Jackson made grabby hands at Logan. Logan picked him up and Jackson held Logan's neck.

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