Chapter 26

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Hannah and I ran through the woods and we made sure our hands stayed laced. We held the girls close and I was impressed at how far we could go.

"We can slow down now," Hannah said as we jumped a log. We stared at each other and I sighed.

"So we are twins," I stated. "How did you get your mate before 18?"

"It's what our wolf thinks is our age not our actual age," Hannah said.

"That's good to know but how are we twins but born to two differ-" I started.

"Don't worry about it. Right now we need to get to the cabin Mother set up for us," she said. I followed her and soon enough we came to a small cabin.

"It's rustic..." I whispered. Suddenly a memory came to me of Logan and I when we were ten.

"We are going to be mates one day Angie," Logan said.

"Oh really?" I asked, with a smile.

"Really," he said.

"And what will our lives be like?" I asked him.

"Well for our honeymoon will be to a cabin since you hate camping but I love it. And we will have a lot of kids since you want kids and I need a heir," he said.

"If you say so Loggie," I said.

"You know it's true," he insisted. I giggled and took off running.

"Yeah. Come on," Hannah said.

Does this work? I asked Logan.

Yeah. Of course. Are you okay? he said.

I'm fine. Do you remember what you told me when we were ten?

No. What exactly are you referring to?

You were going to take me to a cabin for our honeymoon, I stated. He chuckled.

I will take you as soon as it's safe, he swore. I smiled as Hannah opened the door.

"Home sweet home for a while," Hannah said. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"I can't wait for a long sleepover with you," I said. She chuckled.

"Optimist," she said. I shrugged and walked inside with Lily. There was two bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchen, and living room.

"There isn't a lot here," I stated.

"That's right... You grew up as a Beta and got Alpha upgrade as a mate," she said. I blushed and walked to the bedroom on the left. There was a changing table, a play pen, and a crib for the girls and just a bed and dresser for me.

"Let's lay you down," I whispered, putting Lily in the crib. I walked back out to Hannah to take Cate.

"Oh here," Hannah said as I reached for Cate.

"Thanks," I said as I walked back into the room and laid Cate down next to her sister. "Have a nice nappy girls." I walked back out and Hannah sat on the couch.

"They asleep?" she asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, but they haven't eaten lunch so they might wake up for food," I said. She nodded.

"Is having kids hard?" she asked. I looked at her.

"Do you mean physically or mentally? Or this stuff?" I asked as I grabbed an apple from the fridge.

"Overall," she said. I shrugged.

"I mean after birth it's hard because the  pups need food all the time but it mellows out," I said. "Are you and Jay going to have a pup?"

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