Chapter 24

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I woke up on the couch and I was slightly confused on how I got on the couch to begin with but then I remembered Logan was sick. I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I washed my face and started a hot bath for Logan. After it was filled, I walked to the bed to wake up Logan.

"Loggie, wake up. You need to take a bath," I whispered. He moaned and I shook him.

"Can I sleep?" he whispered. I giggled and I helped him sit up.

"Come on," I said. He stood up and I undressed him. I put him in the tub and he leaned back as the girls started crying. "Stay here," I said. I walked to the girls and dragged the bouncer to the bathroom. I put them in it and grabbed the shampoo to wash Logan's hair.

"Angel. Can you please stop taking care of me?" Logan asked as I rinsed his hair.

"No Logan. I promise as soon as I am sick, you can take care of me," I said. He moaned as I cleaned his abs.

"May I kiss you, Angel?" he asked. I nodded and he pecked my lips as if he wasn't sure of who I was. "An angel that has fallen from Earth... How am I so lucky?" he muttered.

"Who am I?" I asked. He seemed unstable to sit alone so I put my hands on his arms and he looked at me with a glossy look.

"An angel. The Moon Goddess sent you to protect me forever and ever. Also to care for my children," he said.

"What's my name?" I asked. He was swaying.

"You're an angel. There is no name for an angel," he said. I helped him out of the tub and dried him quickly then dressed him. I walked him to the bed to lay him down and jogged to the front door.

"Luna?" Dante asked.

"I need a doctor. Logan is really sick and he is seeing things or forgetting things, I don't know. Please, I need the closest pack doctor that can fix my mate," I begged. Dante nodded and took off down the hall. The other guard who I had never seen before stared at me.

"You should go back inside Luna," he said so I shut the door and walked back to the bathroom to pick up the girls.

"Daddie is very sick and he needs to sleep. Once Daddie is better then we will go home and Mommie will have your baby brother and we will be one happy family," I cooed as I laid them down on the crib's mattress.

"Or maybe they will be the happy family but without you, Luna," a female's voice said. I turned and saw her and a man walking towards me.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I asked. They exchanged a look.

"We are the two that are going to protect you and your unborn pup... Well our coven will," the man said. I held my stomach.

"Not that I don't trust you, I don't trust you," I said.

"Angela, that pup isn't normal," the female said.

"So? I will love him no matter what," I stated. They exchanged another look.

"Your daughters were born thanks to magic, isn't that true?" the man asked.

"Yes," I said. "But how did you know that?"

"Unimportant. Your son will have the ability to use magic and if you don't come with us-" the female started.

"No. I don't trust you," I said, looking at Logan as he moaned in pain.

"Here. We will heal your mate for you as a sign of good fate," the man said, walking to Logan. I gasped as he touched Logan's forehead. I tried to run to Logan but the female stood in front of me.

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