Chapter 49

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I awoke with a start. We weren't in the cot but in a bedroom on a bed. My pack house room before Logan and I got married.

"Morning Mommie!" Jackson yelled, jumping on the bed. Logan was part of that.

"Oww..." Logan moaned. I put Jackson's legs around my waist so he stayed off Logan's injuries.

"Is Daddie okay?" Jackson asked. I chewed my lip.

"Daddie has a lot of boo boos right now," I said. Jackson kissed Logan's cheek and Logan looked at us.

"Hey buddy," Logan said, sitting up slowly. Jackson smiled.

"I took care of my sisters," he said. I moved his hair.

"Good job," Logan said. Jackson crawled down and walked to the crib.

"Lily slept through the night and Cate kept looking at me no matter I did," Jackson said. I smiled and got out of the bed to walked over to pick up Cate.

"Does someone have a dirty diaper?" I asked Cate. She was bubbling and suddenly she laughed. Logan and I both exchanged a look and we smiled.

"She laughed for the first time," Logan breathed. I brought her over and I sat next to Logan. Cate reached up and we smiled at her. Jackson sat on me and looked at his little sister.

"Little sister, you are cute when you laugh. Will you laugh more for me?" Jackson asked. I kissed his head.

"Logan, can you hold her so I can pick up Lily?" I asked. Logan slowly took Cate slowly and leaned back. "Thank you. I'll take them out so you can sleep."

"Daddie fell asleep, Mommie," Jackson said. I turned around while bouncing Lily on my hip.

"Okay. Let's sleep with Daddie, okay?" I asked. He yawned.

"I didn't sleep..." Jackson said. I smiled as I sat on the bed next to Logan. I leaned on his shoulder as Jackson laid on my legs.

"Take a nap baby," I said as I watched him fall asleep.


I never went to sleep and yet the boys and the girls never woke up. It annoyed me to the max. I couldn't fall asleep when there was a war outside our door. I used Logan's free arm to put Lily in and crept outside.

"Angie. Is everything okay?" Allen asked as I walked down stairs. I nodded.

"Yeah. Just letting my family sleep a little bit while I am being productive," I said. Tank and Corey kept hitting each other.

"Stop acting so gay," Corey said after a minute. We stared at Corey as he palmed his forehead.

"I am gay, Corey," Tank said. Allen and I started laughing at them as they joined in.

"And we still love you Tank," I said. Tank smiled.

"It's hard not to love me," he said. I smacked his arm.

"Cocky little-" I started.

"Language!" Allen shouted. I rolled my eyes and Allen laughed loudly.

"You know what Tei, there are no children around," I said. The boys gasped.

"We are sorry little one. Your mommie is sorry. She is just under a lot stress and hormones," Corey said to my stomach. I smacked his head and shook my head.

"Stand away from my stomach," I said. I rubbed it and smiled.

"You are so bashful," Tank said. I laughed.

"It's what happens when a girl is pregnant with a child," I said. They laughed.

"You are a weirdo," Allen said. I stuck out my tongue until I heard Jackson screaming.

"Angie?" Logan asked from the top of the stairs. I looked up, resisting a sigh.

"What happened?" I asked, walking closer. Logan opened his mouth and Jackson came running out to me.

"I fell out of bed and hit my head," Jackson cried. I picked him up and rocked him. I kissed his head and he sobbed into my shirt.

"You should be in bed. Are the girls in the crib?" I said to Logan.

"I need to move around. You should be in the room with our children. I'll deal with the war," he said. I stared at him.

"You don't any of our plans and what we have done," I said. He sighed.

"Angel... I don't want you to suffer with the problems of war," he said.

"But-" I started.

"Angela. No." Everyone looked over and I felt tears in my eyes. I walked to Logan's room rigid and put Jackson on the bed.

"Play in here, okay?" I asked. Jackson must have told something was wrong because he just nodded and watched me leave. I walked to the office and started organizing papers.

"Angie?" Jay asked. I looked up and then back down.

"Hey Jay. What's up?" I asked. He shut the door.

"You know Logan was out of line to do that," he said. I sighed.

"He is the Alpha and I have to listen to him," I said. He raised an eyebrow as he sat me on the couch next to him.

"And why is that?" he asked.

"I'm his submissive mate. I have no choice," I said. Jay moved my hair and pulled me closer.

"Remember when I told you that I was in charge because I was older?" he asked. I chuckled.

"I told you that I would be equal as soon as we die," I said. He laughed.

"Logan is only Alpha until Jackson finds his mate and he turns eighteen. Then Logan is just the same as anyone else and then you will always be special to Jackson because you are his mother," he said.

"So I need to stand up to him and tell him that I won't stand to the side?" I asked.

"I talked to the men and they said that they fought for you not for Logan. You are the force in the pack's motivation and if you let Logan pull you back, what are you telling all the girls in the pack?" he asked. I stood up and walked to the stairs.

"We can't look like savage with people dying in the living room," Logan said. I took a deep breath.

"Logan, stop." Logan looked at me as I walked towards him.

"What's wrong?" Logan asked. Allen, Tank, and Corey watched us as I tried to stand taller than my six foot mate with my five four frame.

"I ran this pack without you. I prepared them for war and we won four of five battles we fought in. I'm not letting you come in and change what has been working for us. We won't be moving the cots or changing tactics," I said.

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