Chapter 25

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The tarmac was just as guarded as the hotel. Well, probably more. We had Sira's guards,  the council's guards and some of our own pack that Tank sent up. I was pushing the girls' stroller up as Logan pulled our suitcases.

"Alpha Logan, Luna Angela, allow me to take your bags," a flight attendant said as they took the bags from Logan.

"Thank you," Logan said as we continued to the plane and I sighed as Sira stepped out onto the stairs.

"Alpha Logan, Luna Angela, it's a pleasure to see you once more," Sira said. I stopped and picked up the girls so they could take the stroller aboard.

"Alpha Sira," Logan greeted as he took Lily from me. I stood at Logan's side and leaned on his shoulder. What? I was tired.

"Come aboard. There something here for you," Sira said. Logan let me up first and I saw Corey, Tank, and Allen sitting in the corner with a TV screen.

"We agreed on one more movie night before Angie got pregnant but we fail utterly. So all day today is a hang out day," Allen said.

"Hate to break it. There are pups present," I said as I took Lily from Logan.

"Come on, Angie. Set them in the crib and have fun with us," Logan said. I sat on the love seat and rocked the girls.

After a few hours later, I walked to the separate bedroom and laid down with the girls. They were asleep but I wanted to stay with them. And the boys were "accidentally" being loud every three seconds.

"Angie," Tank drew out as they walked into the room.

"Go away," I stated. The boys moaned.

"The girls can stay here while you hang out with us," Logan said.

"No," I stated. Logan went to grab my arm and Lacey took control. I shifted and growled at the boys. They backed up and I shifted back. I stared at them and ran to the closet to hide.

Our pups Angie, Lacey whined.

We are a danger to them. We just shifted and threatened their father, I told her. Tears slid down my face and I wrapped my arms around my belly.

"Freddie... Don't be mad at me if I'm not around. I'm scared I'll hurt you or your sisters," I whispered.

We are a horrible mother, Lacey said and I leaned back so I could cry.

Don't say that Lace, Charles said.

I just growled at you so powerfully that you backed up. And I did it while my pups were unprotected. I am a horrible mother, Lacey cried to him.

It's our fault. We tried to pull you away, he reasoned. Logan opened the door and looked at me.

"Angie..." he started.

"No. I growled at you. That is unacceptable. I shifted where the twins could have been smashed or I could pushed them off. I should have controlled myself," I said.

"You wouldn't have smashed them. And you were growling at me, you were growling at Tank, Allen, and Corey. You are a mother wolf protecting her pups. It's natural," he said. I thought about then ran back to my pups. I curled around them and Logan laid next to me.

"What if I can't protect them all?" I asked. Logan sighed.

"You will, Love. You can and you will," he said. I looked at him and he kissed me.

"What if I can't protect myself?" I asked. He moved my hair and kissed my forehead.

"Leave that to me," he said and I closed my eyes.


We walked off the plane and it was only five minutes before Jay and Hannah ran to us.

"They changed their targets. Apparently someone has been as honest as they say," Jay said, looking at me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. Hannah ran to me.

"Your mom is the Moon Goddess and your father is Sira isn't it?" Hannah asked.

"Sister wolves are in my head," I replied.

"Well apparently we are twins," Hannah said. Tank, Corey, and Allen looked at Sira as he walked to me and Hannah.

"They are after you two aren't they?" Sira asked.

"We will protect our mates," Logan told Jay.

"I know a cabin a few miles from here. We are going to run there," Hannah said. Logan and Jay looked ready to fight her.

"They'll smell you," Tank stated. Hannah handed me a jacket and I gagged.

"Mud and leaves," Hannah said. I put it on and took Lily out of the stroller.

"That thing reeks," Allen said, disapproving.

"We're twins," I said. Hannah hugged me.

"I always wanted a sister," she said.

"Me too," I replied.

"Shouldn't you two have the same mate?" Corey asked.

"We are fraternal. Only identical twins have the same mate," Sira said. Hannah and I looked at him.

"Grab Cate and run. If we can't smell you then they most definitely can't," Jay said.

"Aren't they human with an unexpressed wolf gene?" Tank asked.

"That was until they made alliances Peach River and Orange Cove Packs," Jay said.

"The alliance is broken?" Logan asked his Beta.

"Yes Alpha," Jay said. Hannah and I stared at each other.

"We broke the alliance," we breathed.

"Don't worry about that. Right now-" Logan started.

"The Seer was right. She told us that we would be reason the alliance broke," Hannah said.

"No she said that I didn't know which one to pick but it was because of you," I pointed out.

"You picked Logan because I told you to look at Logan in our sleep. Mother told me. I didn't mean to. You had twins because an Alpha and Beta would break that curse. The twins were too hard to get so Mystic started digging and found our relationship through our parents. We broke the alliance," she said. I looked at the circle of boys around us.

"Oh Goddess of the Moon," I breathed. Hannah picked up Cate.

"It's okay," Logan said.

"We have to run Angie. I'll take care of her, Logan," Hannah said. I looked at Jay.

"You will always be my big brother, Bird," I told him. He sighed and nodded.

"And you'll always be my little sister, Angel Fish," he said. I smiled and Hannah grabbed one of my hands.

"I love you Jay," Hannah said.

"I love you more Hannah," Jay said.

I'll see you soon, Love, Logan mink linked me.

I love you Loggie, I said. He nodded and looked at the girls.

"Take care of your mother while I'm not around girls," he said touching their small heads. They both made a noise and Logan smiled.

"Come on," Hannah said. I kissed Logan once more and we ran to woods.

Bye Logan, I mind linked.

Bye Angela, he responded and Hannah pulled me into the woods.

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