Chapter 45

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I woke up in a towel on the bed. I reached over to find Logan but found an empty bed. I sat up and looked around. I saw a beautiful bouquet of roses and I held the towel to my chest to walk over to see what the flowers were.

Hello darling~

I'm sorry I had to leave before you woke up but I had to talk to the guys and get everything ready to meet Hermes. Rest and stay here. I'll be back soon.


I smiled as I smelled the flowers. I knew Logan wasn't that romantic so it made my heart flutter a little. I decided to get dressed in a purple shirt and dark black jeans. I had just walked out of the bathroom when there was a soft knock on the door.

"Mommie?!" Jackson yelled. I opened the door quickly and hugged him.

"Where are your uncles and Daddie?" I asked, panicking.

"I was told to push the top button and walk to the last door so I could find you," he said. I picked him up and rocked him as he played with my hair.

"Who told you that baby boy?" I asked, seeing he was dressed quickly and messy.

"Daddie. He said that you needed a hero," he said, with a huge smile. I smiled. I couldn't let him see that I was nervous for Logan.

"Where is your sisters?" I asked. He shrugged. "Stay here and don't move, okay?" I said as I put him on the bed.

"I love you Mommie," he said.

"I love you too baby," I said. I walked to the elevator and realized I didn't know what floor the guys' room was. I randomly pushed a button and entered the floor. I looked around and found a door that was kicked in. I crept in and heard a scream. I ran towards the scream and I was attack by someone.

I ducked under the punch and hit his stomach. He elbowed me in the back and I fell. He went to kick me but I rolled away. I jumped up and kicked him in the gut. He swung and hit my jaw. I staggered back and he took the chance to swing a punch towards my stomach. I covered it and he flew back into the opposite wall. I was able to regain my bearings and ran towards him. I punched his face repeatedly until he shoved me back. He punched my eye and I kicked his leg out from underneath him. He hit his head and was knocked out.

"Angie!" Allen yelled. I turned and saw him, Tank, and Corey tied up together. I ran to them and saw Corey knocked out.

"Where's Logan?" I asked as I untied them. "Where's the girls?"

"Mystic Pack was here. They took him and the girls," Tank said. I shook my head.

"No, they can't be true," I said, "They don't have an Alpha anymore. They aren't even a pack anymore."

"No one else would want twins to break a spell so they can shift," Allen said. I started crying and Allen hugged me as Tank laid Corey on the bed.

"Freeze!" a man yelled.

"Who are you?" Tank asked, standing in front of Allen and me.

"Seattle Police. We got reports of fighting," the man said.

"We are Native Americans so we have it handled," Tank said. Allen pushed me towards Corey and I sat on the bed.

"Seattle laws are different. We have to investigate this so we know that there isn't a killer on the loose," the man said as more men came in.

"I'm the chief's wife so you will talk to me," I said, standing. The man looked at me so judgmental.

"I don't believe you. How old is your chief?" the man asked. "How do I know he didn't force you to marry him?" I stared at him appalled.

"That's not what happens in our tribe. My husband is eighteen, have you know and I love him dearly. You will be lucky if I don't sue you and your department for cultural-" I started raisin g my voice.

"Mommie?" Jackson asked.

"Jackson. What are you doing here?" I asked. I walked to him and he hugged me.

"I didn't protect them," he sniffled. I picked him up and rocked him.

"Come on baby," I said starting to walk outside.

"Ma'am you can't leave," the man said. I glared at him and left to go to the honeymoon suite.

"Will everyone be okay, Mommie?" Jackson asked.

"Of course baby. Mommie will make sure of it," I said.


"Angie! Open the door," Tank yelled, pounding on the door. I ran and unlocked the door as I swung it open.

"Corey," I said as I hugged him.

"Hey. How are you?" Corey asked as he hugged me tightly.

"We have to find Logan," I said as we broke apart.

"We have to drive back to California," Allen said.

"They have my daughters and Jackson is completely destroyed," I said.

"We will find them, Angela. I have already called Dean to mobilize the guard so we can attack as soon as we are back," Tank said.

"Let's go home," I said.


Tank drove quickly and Mariam ran out as I got out. I hugged her and she rubbed my back carefully.

"I will find him and the girls," I whispered. She nodded.

"I know you will... is that Jackson?" she asked. I looked at my two year old son that was walking towards us.

"He thinks that Logan is his father," I whispered.

"He is my grandson nonetheless," she said.

"Hwello," Jackson lisped. Mariam kneeled and hugged him. 

"Hello Jackson. I'm Grandma Mariam," she said.

"Angela!" Mama yelled. I ran towards her and Papa.

"They took the three of them. I will get them back and-" I started.

"You will stay here," Papa said. I looked at him.

"These are my children and mate! I will not stand to the side," I declared.

"And we can't have you lose the pup you're carrying," Mariam said, walking over with Jackson. I sighed.

"Don't worry. This pup is special and he-" I started to explain.

"Angela Lowell McCain-Fen, you are tired and pregnant. You will stay here. Please, for the pack," Papa said. I looked around and saw the whole pack looking at me.

"Okay, I will stay here. But any prisoners - and I mean any - will be interviewed by me. Do I make myself clear?" I asked.

"Yes Luna," the guard said. I turned towards the non-shifters and children.

"I do not expect you to fight but I will ask that you help me set up a make shift hospital in the living room to care for the wounded," I said. They all nodded.

"You need to make an announcement of war," Mariam said.

"Give me until the morning," I said, walking up to the office.

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