Chapter 11

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Angie's P.O.V

I woke up in Logan's arms. He had made me feel so damn safe and it was beautiful. He just held me. What he had said about my appearance made my heart giddy. He really did love me and Lacey.

Lacey? Are you still scared of me? Chuckie asked. I smiled and snuggled closer to Logan letting Lacey take over.

No... But you know we do have a few things to do today, Lacey told him as he curled around my small frame.

My mate has been scared about everything for the past week and I just want her to relax and sleep, he said.

Well, my mate has been worried about protecting the pups and his mate. An opportunity has presented its self to get another pack so we should take it, she said. Logan's eyes opened and he kissed me lightly.

"How are my girls so smart?" he asked. I shrugged.

"We compliment you so..." I whispered. His jaw dropped and he pinned me under him. I laughed as he kissed the living daylights out of me.

"I'm not stupid Angel," he said.

"I never said you were. Complimenting could mean we are both smart," I said. He stopped and thought about it.

"I guess you have a point... This time Luna Angela," he said.

"Thank you Alpha Logan," I said. I pecked his lips and he smiled.

"If you are ever scared of me again, just tell me. I want you to be in a state of complete security and comfort, whether I'm alive or dead," he said. My smile disappeared.

"What is that suppose to mean?" I asked. He sat up and I sat up as well.

"Yesterday after you left my father spoke to me about the importance of protecting my family first then the pack," he said. I cocked my head to the side.

"So what?" I asked. He sighed.

"I set up a financial fund-" he started.

"You should have spoken to me first. That's something we need to work on together, as husband and wife," I said. He shook his head.

"It's for you and the pups in case something happens to me in this war," he said. I stared at him. The idea of him dying was like the idea of there being no Rose Creek Pack.

"Nothing is going to happen. End of story. I am not losing you and the pack isn't losing you. Not until we can die of old age together," I stated. He cupped my face.

"Angel... I love you and I don't want to leave you alone with our pups. But I have to think worse case scenario," he said. I felt tears go down my face.

"How much did you put in for us?" I asked.

"Amilliondollars," he muttered so fast I didn't hear him.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"A million dollars," he said. I stared at him.

"A million dollars... As in a one and nine zeros after it?" I asked. He nodded and I stared at my lap.

"Angela... I have to worry about you like that. You are my mate and life. Our pups are going to be the first time I have a chance to show you that I can be gentle when I have to be," he said. "This puts me at ease as well."

"I understand that but now I am anxious that something will happen to you. If you die what effect will it have on me? On the pups? What if the pack sees me as unfit if something was too happen?" I panicked. I was having a minor panic attack. Logan opened the window and put me next to it.

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