TALE 1: The Dancer (01)

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                                TALE 1:                                                       The Dancer (01)

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      TALE 1:

    The Dancer (01)

                                TALE 1:                                                       The Dancer (01)

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Azade folded her hands onto her lap and began the tale, exaggerating every word with a light exuberance:

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Azade folded her hands onto her lap and began the tale, exaggerating every word with a light exuberance:


Not even the gods above, she reckoned amongst her own lone thoughts. The way her body glided across the marble floor of the plaza, mesmerized her audience; gaining her a couple of gold pieces.

The sound of a flute and the frills of her costume created a beat, her legs ending in a final turn. Thea ended in a pose, her chest heaving and claps of the audience grazing the air.

"That girl moves like the wind"

"Her dances could move mountains."

"Is she even human?"

Thea smiled inwardly listening to the comments, nobody ever said anything bad about her performance. Never.


In shock, she whipped her head to the voice. Uncovering a boy, abit older than her, in gladiator armour. His smile barely reached his eyes, glowering down at Thea.

"Mediocre? I'd like to see you come and dance then." She taunted, sidestepping and opening her arms in welcome, whilst the audience laughed in amusement. The boy looked well off to her, a fighter most likely based on his body and height. He was covered in golden armour; the sign of the King's Champion.

The boy smiled and bowed his head, bringing himself upon the marble floor and offering his hand in dance. Thea was shocked, she had expected him to cower away in embarrassment.

"Grant me a dance, milady?"

With cheers from the audience, Thea took his hand and found herself facing something unatural.

His eyes were Amber.

A deep orange hue of a shade resembling the sunset grazed the outermost edges of his eyes, creating the illusion of a never-dimming sun.

As if noticing her confusion, the boy began to sway her in his arms, distracting her. They glided across the marble steps with such an ease; you would think they were dancing on air.

His hands clasped against her waist and her right hand, grinning once he heard the shouts of the audience.

"Let's give them a show, Thea." The boy whispered, a darkness suddenly shadowing his face.

His eyes were no longer a sunset.

They were night.

As if on cue, Thea thrashed in his grasp suddenly hearing a scream after another.

And the audience started to catch fire.

The smell of rotting skin and the shrieks of her beloved show goers, people stepping over each other desperately trying to leave the building. The banisters behind her were encased in fire, threatening to fall on any one of them.

"What are you?" Thea screamed, still thrashing against the boys body. His grasp was like iron, continuing to grin at her.

"I think the more reasonable question is, what are you?" He whispered, leaning into her ear. She watched as the flames danced on the floor around her.

'Dance little girl, dance.'

As if she had lost control on her body, she began to dance. Her feet carrying her across the floor, but not catching fire. Her body jumped without consent and twirled around the fire-lit banisters. Still listening to his sickening laugh. Flames danced their way around her body, filling the air with its endless smoke.

He stood there, laughing at her until she found him standing nose-distance away from her. "Please make it stop." She shouted over the screams of the dying people, her body froze just as he grabbed her arm.

"It's too late, Thea. I've already found you."

And he disappeared.

Rukun grimaced when she didn't continue.

Surprisingly, he had listened intently to her story, grasping onto every single word.

"You may continue." He said, expecting the girl to follow suit and glared when she smiled.

"The end will just have to wait till morning."

"But I cannot kill you in th-" Rukun stopped himself, not wanting to reveal anything. He leaned his head back onto his palms, catching onto her game. "I could still kill you." He threatened, watching as the girl smiled at his words. Azade noticed the way his eyes gazed at the sun peeking over the hill, behind her, as a threat.

"You could, but you won't. Don't you want to hear the ending of the story?"

Rukun felt his blood pulse in his veins as he abruptly grabbed her chin. Daring her eyes to gaze into his.

They did.

"If I cannot kill you today, I'll kill you tommorow." He promised, noticing that the sun had just began to rise behind her; light beginning to shroud their bodies. He let go and briskly walked out of the room, shoulders tensed.

Azade breathed a sigh of relief.

She survived.


I don't know if you guys liked that story but I promise it'll all make sense in the end ;)


- Elle

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