DAY: 05

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Perhaps it was the fact she was in absolute shock, a sideffect of the events the night before.

All she knew was that when she woke up, she was sombrely covered in a blanket and Rukun was gone.

When her maid walked in and offered her a cup of tea, she hadn't said a word to her. And when Vardin had came to remind her of the breakfast banquet that very morning, she hadn't said a word.

"She must be sick." A maid whispered to another as they prepared her bath.

"Do you think we should tell them she can't attend?"

"Don't be foolish. His majesty would be greatly disappointed."

"But she won't say a word!"

Azade closed her eyes and laid back against the soft pillows of the bed. In her thoughts she gathered the gruesome memories of flesh and whips, wondering if she could ever escape he reality she lived in. Her fists clenched in the silk sheets as she tried to remember the look on his face as he struck Ehsan, mirroring her master's when he did the same to her mother. The resemblance between them in that moment haunted her. A dark thought slowly creeping into her mind like a disease.

It made her sick that she laid next to him the night before, letting herself succumb to his crazed whims.

"Your bath is ready miss."

Azade found herself dragging her feet from the comfortable bed, as the maids watched her with concern.

She must've looked like the face of death.

"Do you want petals in the bath, miss?"

A bowl of rose petals were gathered in a bowl as the maid presented it to her. It was an old Arabic tradition for women to bathe in rose petals, a 'youth' bringer. She stared at the petals for awhile; the soft tips a bright red. All gathered in bunches, resembling the cloths of blood.

'Her blood'

Blood was pouring out of her mother now, quickly and as fast as she could remember. The rose petals were no longer giving their sweet scent but now a metallic odour.

"No." She said, still staring at the rose petals.

After shedding her robes; she climbed into the bath and left the water sink to her neck. The warmth of it seemed to caress her skin, creating a simple comfort. As the maids poured in bathing serums, she just laid her head back and stared at the ceiling.

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