TALE 2: Revelations (1)

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                                    TALE 2:                                Revelations(1)

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                                    TALE 2:                                Revelations(1)

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It was an odd question to ask, Azade knew and felt like she was in a dream. But somehow once she opened her eyes, she expected darkness, death even. But not this.

The room seemed to grasp her at all edge, feigning a certain old-beauty that collapsed once she realized where she was.

The palace.

It was her room actually; yet it seemed older and the colours were different. Roses sat on every corner of the tables, instead of the usual cherry bowls that were placed there. Her bed sat in the middle of the room, the sheets looking displaced and messy. Finally, the window was wide open; welcoming a dark soulless night that was void of any stars.


A voice sprained from an open door, Azade turned and looked at the plump maid who stood in the door way. Azade shifted away; only to feel her body drift in the air. As if it were floating.

Was she dreaming?

The maid proceeded forward, a full glass bottle of a brown liquid situated in her shaking hands. "Malika?" She said again, her eyes darting across the room and going straight past Azade.

She watched as the maid's eyes situated on the bathroom door across the way. The air in the room suddenly turned frigid, a haunting chill creeping its way up her spine.

Something was beyond that door.

The maid took a tentative few steps before stopping completely in front of the bath room door. Azade mimicked the maids actions and slowly followed; her footsteps didn't make a sound.

'This is a dream. This is a dream' She repeated to herself as she watched the maid away to the the bathroom door. The shuffles of fear and running water could be heard on the other side, somehow evoking even more fear into the maid.

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