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She could feel rage burn in her bones, a temper rushing its away around her skin and finally making its way to her fingers. A loud hit shuddered through the air, making the impact seem dire than it really was.

'Oh god, what did I just do?'

She had never slapped anyone before, the rush of it quickly hiking her breath. Azade pulled her hand away quickly; letting the anger of the night before quickly seep back into her soul.

'If he didn't kill you last night, he will kill you now'

"My, I've never seen anyone that can hit like that." Rukun chuckled, surprisingly holding his cheek as a red mark swelled. She stepped back in shock, how could he laugh so effortlessly.

Clenching her fists she took a tempered step forward. He had the gaunt to laugh at her, mock her.

"Really? Mind if I do it again—" Her vengeance was interrupted as she heard steps of charred sandals . She could see a man running towards them. Rukun turned behind him to see who it was and quickly smiled.

"Fazad!" The two men shook hands, but Rukun then pulled him into a quick hug.

'Rukun would never give anyone a hug.' She thought, pondering on the idea of him not remembering her really being plausible. But if so, how would it be possible?

"I see you've met this lovely lady who decided to deliver a slap on my face?" Rukun bellowed laughter, Fazad staring at Azade uncomfortably.

"Of course, she's my sister."


Fazad quickly stepped out of the hug and opened his arms to embrace Azade, he gave her a look that said: Just do it.

Azade stepped towards him as he pulled her against his chest into an awkward hug. "What are you doing?" She whispered into his ear; hoping Rukun wouldn't hear.

"Saving both your lives." He seethed, glaring at the wall behind them. Rukun stood behind Fazad so he was watching the hug take place. His smile twitched slightly downwards, as if upset that Fazad has the opportunity to hug her.

"Fazad, you never told me you had a sister?"

Once they pulled away, Fazad held Azade by the shoulders and gave a fake loving smile. "That is because I was worried you might pursue someone as lovely as her."

Azade would've blushed if she hadn't been so confused.

"She is lovely isn't she?" Rukun said, eyeing the girl up and down. Azade met his gaze with her own hard one; questioning his intentions.

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