TALE 3: Creation (3)

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TALE 3:Creation (3)

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Creation (3)

TALE 3:Creation (3)

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Azade searched her mind for the best way to start the story, ways to explain the ending of it in a way her Mother only could.

"She's dead." Rukun mentioned, head leaning against the window. "You left the story off with her dying."

Azade could feel a strain in his voice, had the ending really affected him that much?

"I know." Was all she said before she started her tale.

Night could feel her blood pool around him as his eyes met those of his brother, Day. He stood over her body like a wilting flower, hands covered in blood with tears fringing his eyes. Blood was everywhere, her blood was everywhere. Her body laid limp with a tear in her chest. Where her heart should've been.

"Night, it wasn't m-" Day pleaded, warm eyes running with uncontrollable tears. His voice choked at the end of the sentence as if someone was restricting his breathing, as if something was-

Darkness then shrouded the room.

"It was me." The darkness said.

Night was frozen, his brother yelping from somewhere in the room. The room went dark as if all light on earth had been obliterated. Then, as if two candles had been struck by a match, two fire-like pupils glared in the thickness of the dark.

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