DAY: 06

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(please go check out crookednights as she's the one who made this awesome mood board! follow her she makes AMAZING graphics <3)

(please go check out crookednights as she's the one who made this awesome mood board! follow her she makes AMAZING graphics <3)

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"HE TORE THE WHOLE PALACE APART LOOKING FOR YOU." Yana said, folding a kaftan a few hours later. Azade had woken up in a stir and shifted to the windows which she began to stare out of and into the dawn for hours. The morning was a melancholic purple, screaming from the horizon and into Azade's wary gaze. She wondered what it would be like to be a bird, flying over such beautiful sun rises.

And to be free.

Such an interesting concept.

"Is that so?" Azade replied numbly. Nothing surprised her anymore. "He said you weren't in your room." Yana continued, looking over at the young girl with curiosity.

"I was." Confusion lined her words.

'Fool probably got drunk and looked in the wrong room.' She thought, but it seemed out of his character. Night-Rukun was always composed and brooding. Not a limpish drunk.

Yana shrugged, pulling her sleeves up as she walked to the wardrobe. Scars and cuts lined her wrists. "Did he do that to you?" She whispered to the maid. The maid stopped and looked down at her wrists.

"This? Oh- stars no! I supposed I would assume so too but-" A pause. Yana opened the wardrobe and set the kaftan in, words balancing on her lips.

"It's not what you think." She finished, letting Azade peer at the cuts at her arms. A sigh of relief washed over the girl but curiosity soon took over.

"Then what is it?" She asked; watching as the maid pulled up her sleeves even further for the girl to see. The cuts appeared to be shaped like stars, lining eachother one after another. It look like a beautiful horror.

Yana made her way to sit beside Azade, turning her arms over to show the girl. "If I tell you what it is, will you promise to never do it?" She asked; pleading the wrinkles on her face becoming deeper suddenly. Yana and her never really talked, most of their discussions had been in the state of Ehsan and when she would return. But all of a sudden the old woman seemed intresting, like she had a story to tell.

And by god, Azade loved stories.

"Of course."

Yana looked around with trepidation, as if she was afraid someone might hear. "It's called star grazing."

"Star grazing?"

"—Yes! Hush when you say it, it's illegal in this kingdom." Yana whispered pulling her hands onto her lap and keeping her watchful eyes set on the door. "Illegal?"

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