DAY: 04 (pt.2)

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"WHERE IS SHE?" Azade asked, ripping her self from Vardin's gentle grasp. She was tired of men restraining her.

"Azade—you need to calm down, you haven't—"

"So you know what happened to her? Where is she!" Azade shouted, her voice screaming off the high ceilings of the throne room. Her body was shaking, emotions raging.

"Ehsan is fine, I promise you—"

"Fine? He whipped her! Blood was pouring out of her like oceans, I need to see her now." She looked to the door and found that Vardin was accompanied by 2 guards, standing by the entrance and exit of the room.

She couldn't escape.

"I swear I'll take you to her, just promise me you'll cal-"

"He did it on purpose. He whipped her because he knew it would hurt me. He knew that's how she died." Azade spit out, glaring at nobody in particular. Or perhaps she was.

Glaring at Rukun in a blaze of abscence.

"Your mother died years ago, Azade. This is no time to let your emotions run wild." Vardin warned gently as something strange flickered in his eyes. Fear.

"Why? So I can survive? What the point of survival if I have nobody left to survive for." She glanced down at the knife laying at their feet. How quick would Vardin be to try and stop her from picking up the knife and piercing her heart?

She looked at the young guard, watching as his legs were bent readily. Eyes focused on her every move.

'Too quick.' Azade thought, mourning the opportunity to end her imprisonment.

"What happened to the girl that wanted to survive so painfully bad?" Vardin whispered. They were only a couple of spaces apart, the air humming with their breaths.

"She left when she realized that 'freedom' doesn't exist."

"Of course it doe-"

"Really? What is freedom to you, Vardin? Because mine will never exist, either I die or become queen to a kingdom that enslaved me and wife to a man who is completely insane." Azade could feel her lungs collapse under the pressure of her tears. They were threatening to bellow from her eyes, render her helpless to the pain she desperately tried to overcome.

But she wouldn't cry.

"You don't know how wrong you are."

"Tell me, how exactly am I—"

Just then a guard rushed in, gasping for breath. It seemed like he ran; disheveled and words of the edge of his lips.

"V-Vardin, the king—" The guard stopped once he saw Azade, eyes widening in mesmerization. He proceeded to keep his mouth shut; only nodding to Vardin. Like there was a secret between them.

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