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(disclaimer: this chapter has ALOT of mature themes in it, so if you aren't into that please click out

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(disclaimer: this chapter has ALOT of mature themes in it, so if you aren't into that please click out.)


Cero, a guard that Vardin had appointed to watch Azade after dinner asked her. Most of the time spent during the day was silence between the two Persians, disagreement still hanging in air. It was as if Vardin couldn't even look at her.

"That's alright, I believe I know the way." Azade lied, planning to escape to the room with the paintings after he left. Cero nodded; walking away with his hands behind his back.

The ultimate mistake.

She found herself tracing steps back to where she had been spotted earlier, brushing her fingertips against the cold marbled walls. Every so often, looking outside a spare window and checking how close the sun was to the horizon.

After minutes ticked passed; she came across the hall. The hall dim without sunlight, she picked up a stray candle and carried it along with her into the room.

"Oh my," Azade whispered. The paintings seemed to glow , ever so slightly against the candle's light. Faces of the previous rulers seemingly basking against the fire.

Lightly moving the candle in front of her, the palace was quiet except for the swishes of her white dress. Cautiously, she picked up her skirt and moved to the end of the room; to the painting of Rukun.

Stopping in front of the last painting, she breathed in and held the candle to it.

Except it wasn't a painting of Rukun.

At least, not only him.

Azade almost dropped the candle, a sharp gasp breaking the silence and a beating heart that matched it. She flew back, a palm to her heart.

"No, no, no, no!" She shouted, shaking her head and continuing to stare open-mouthed at the painting.

Azade couldn't believe her eyes.

It was a painting of her and Rukun.

Scrambling back to the painting, she held the candle that was shaking in her hands to it.

If the painting wasn't so morbidly creepy, she might've thought it lovely. It looked like a painting someone would paint of a King and his Queen, crowns placed so adjacently on her head. They both; unlike the other paintings held bright smiles on their faces.

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