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—" HAVE YOU BEEN TO THE CITY YET?" Rukun had asked

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" HAVE YOU BEEN TO THE CITY YET?" Rukun had asked. They were walking along one of the several halls of the palace, with Azades hand still clasped firmly in his.

"No, I haven't had the pleasure." She said through strained words. It was a safe to say that Azade's hand was still shaking and blissfully numb. All she could think of was the words upon it.


The things she would do to that witch once she saw her tonight.

Still, Rukun's rough hands seemed to ease the pain of her scarred one. As they walked along the obsidian halls of the palace; the pain in her hand seemed to fade away until there was nothing left. "I cannot imagine the travels you've must've gone through to come all the way from Al- Raqqa." Rukun exclamined, his eyes briefly darting to the girl beside him.


"Do you not know your own home?"

Shit, Azade thought to herself. She had forgotten that she and Fazad had weaved the lie of them being siblings.

"—Yes, I apologize, it's been quite awhile since I've heard of my home."

"Quite awhile being two days?"

Instead of meeting the King's steady eyes, Azade looked beyond into the hall and quickly changed the subject. "Are you taking me anywhere particular, or are you just taking turns about with me until my feet have gone numb?" She hummed sarcastically. Rukun, bemused as he simply laughed.

"Do not fret, my lady."

Sarcasm might've been the only thing they had in common.


"YOU'VE TAKEN ME ON A TOUR FOR FLOWERS?" Azade shouted, watching as Rukun led on into a pathway to the garden. As much as she hated to admit it, it was beautiful. Fluorescent roses and desert lilacs lined the stoned walkways with greenery unimaginable in the desert.

"I was under the assumption that women liked this sort of activity." Rukun picked a rose off a stray bush. Azade looked beyond the scope of the garden; the blue sky was still wavering above.  "It is beautiful." She whispered, stepping away from Rukun and walking towards a pair of blooming violets. Against the harsh heat, they still bloomed with hues of purple on their petals.

"My Mother planted those."

"The queen?" Azade whispered, The Mad Queen.

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