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Azade had never thought that she had ever seen so many ranges and flavours of colours that streamed the room. Blues, light blues, reds, yellows—it was a menagerie of life.

The colours were accompanied by the people wearing them; some dancing to a merry tune that the windpiper played and some simply laughing amongst one another. Sunlight streamed in from all the windows above; catching on the coloured drapery and falling down to spots on the ground below.

She desperately wanted to wander into the crowd of subjects, let herself disappear amongst the colours and sunlight.

But a certain solider stopped her.

"He's coming." Vardin whispered, nodding his head to an approaching figure ahead. Azade clenched her heart in her fist and then released it—it wasn't him.

"Expecting someone?" Fazad asked mockingly, a glass of wine balancing in his hand. He looked disheveled at most, his dark hair reaching for the rooftops.

"I don't want to see him." Azade whispered through the teeth. They were standing under the window, in between the dancing people and the sweet smelling food.

Vardin gazed on uncomfortably as Fazad laughed, he didn't try to hide his amusement. Taking a long sip of his wine; he grinned against the lip of his glass. "You don't have a choice do you?" It almost made Azade want to forget the cheery background and smack the cup out of his rough hands.

"Because of you."

"Oh really? I wasn't the one running during the halls around his majesty's quarters was I?"

"It wasn't my fault." Azade argued, her thoughts wandering to the strange priestess who led her through the halls of the palace. That day it felt like a different force was in her mind; like someone was leading her to him.

Azade and Fazad gazed at eachother harshly, criticizing the other with a simple sweep of their eyes. In a room of happiness stood anger, masked in a mockingly polite gise. "If I were you I would get ready to bow." Fazad took another long sip of his wine.

Azade decided she hated wine.

"He's coming?"

"Soon."  Vardin replied, "—His Majesty likes to be late to his own gatherings."

Azade merely let her eyes wander around the room in response, before setting her eyes among the food that was spread out of the table before them. It was tempting to stuff her mouth as she had been doing for the past few days. She almost was able to taste the sweet ripeness of the oranges from across the room.

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