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"LAYL STARTS TOMORROW." Ehsan said as she fitted a silk cloth across Azade's body. They had spent all afternoon in what the maid liked to call 'the jewel room' fitting silks and necklaces across her body. It was all in preparation for Layl, which after tomorrow would last three nights.

"Why dress me up? When the night falls won't you be hiding me from Rukun?" Azade asked as Ehsan pressed a sparkly jewelled belt across her waist.

Ehsan shook her head, "Layl celebrations start in the day. Day Rukun, has invited you to the celebration and it would be hazardous to reject an invitation from the King." Proceeding to turn Azade around, she held a chain of emeralds against her skin. She wondered if Vardin would be escorting her to the celebrations—Vardin.

She hadn't seen him since this morning, when he kissed her. And she ran away.

"Have you ever been to Layl?"

"No." Ehsan replied tossing the jewels back on a pile of silks. "Servants are usually prevented form attending, except for a select few. Though those same servants are never seen again after Layl."

"You're kidding."

Ehsan shook her head, a tight smile forming on her lips. "No, im not. Vardin hasn't even gone, I suppose the only one who really knows what goes on is Fazad." Fazad. The last time she had seen him was when he had confirmed that Rukun wasn't human. Azade had been determined to find out what he was after that- she still didn't know. Vardin and Sian had called him the dark prince.

But that was pure insanity.

Her tales were simply tales.

"Excuse me?" A voice came from the open doorway of the room. Ehsan turned her head as she picked up another piece of fabric and turned bright red. Azade turned to the voice, not expected what she would see.

The blue robed woman.

"These are my cloths, did I give any permission for you to donate them to this-" She looked Azade up and down with her stale green eyes, "Witch."

"Apologies, Lady Sooraya." Ehsan whispered as she dropped the cloth at her feet. "Your husband said we could use as many of your unused clothes as we needed for Layl." Azade narrowed her eyes at the blue-robed-Soraya, who was now wearing a jeweled green kaftan.

"My husband?" Sooraya scoffed crossing her arms as she dragged her gaze away from Azade, who now felt disgusted by the cloth that covered her skin. "I didn't know my husband made such decisions now."

Azade raised a brow, "Who is your husband?" Who would marry such a viper of a woman?

Sooraya laughed, the action looking picture perfect as her perfect teeth unsheathed under her red lips. Her grin widened like a snake about to bite it prey, "Why, what an ignorant girl! My husband is the honorable Fazad Al-Quidri."

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